(1)  (2)

3.香心門の香席。Kou-ceremony of Kou-Shin-Mon.

(1)準備。道具。香材。Preparation. Tools. Fragrant materials.

@    香材。Fragrant materials.

1)香材は何でもいい。The kind of fragrant materials do not matter.
Everything that is infinite in nature is fragrant material.
快い香りが心安らぐとは限らない。Pleasant fragrance is not necessarily to make mind peaceful.
Smell of pollution of water and air that were streamed from factory where I worked long ago, converted into words, remembered, when I recall the verbal scent, sweet aroma of younger days comes.
Smell of underground will be  same with this for miners.
も同じだろうMaybe smells of night soil of field, burning grass and cooking smoke are same as this.
In short, fragrance may be the psychological phenomenon that listeners contributing to their mind instead of molecules that dissipate into the air and nose mucous membrane reaction itself.
Reflections of light from  paint becomes picture, air vibrations becomes musics and words, All are same gimmick.

2)香材には、常温で揮発するものと加熱して揮発させるものがある。There are two kinds of fragrant materials. One vaporizes at room temperature and the other vaporizes to be heated.香水は前者、線香、練り香、香は後者だ。Perfume is the former. Incense stick, k
neaded incense are the latter.

3)香木は、70℃以上に加熱すると、香りを発する。Fragrant wood vaporize to be heated above 70 °c.

4)香木は、同じ一片で、一人でも100人でも、楽しむことが出来る。One piece of fragrant wood can be enjoyed by only one person or 100 people.

A    香材の準備。Preparation of fragrant materials.

1)香木の保管の仕方。Storage method of fragrant wood.

2)香木の切り方。Cutting method of fragrant wood.

3)銀箔の作り方。How to make a silver leaf.

B    道具の準備。Preparation of tools.

1)        共通。Common.

a.    折り本。地敷き紙。紙芝居。Folder book. Place mat paper. Picture-story show.

b.    銀箔。Silver leaf.

c.    廻し盆。Handy tray.

2)        源氏香。Genji-Kou.

a.    名乗り紙。Name paper.

b.    筆記具。Writing instruments.

c.    香札。Kou-tags.

3)        百人一首香。Hyakuninisshu-Kou.

d.    かるた。Karuta.

e.    覆い。Cover.

C    香炉の準備。Preparation of incense burner. Set up the ashes.  Tadon-fire. Method of firing tadon.

D    蘭奢待物語。Tales about fragrant wood, Ran-ja-tai.

1)この世にはお金で買えないものがある。In this world, there is something money can't buy.
Ran-ja-tai is a national treasure and very important.
天皇の所有で宮内庁が管理している。It is
in the possession of the emperor Imperial household Agency maintains.
公開は永久に禁止され、蔵の暗闇の木箱に入れられている。To open the
public is permanently banned and placed in dark storage crates.
Records scraped off by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, Oda Nobunaga.
They got it as things by worldly powers.
And proud and presented to their subordinate
But fragrant wood is same as book to put the contents into mind.
I wonder whether they can convert fragrance into words, and learn in mind of words, or not.
Nevertheless Ran-ja-tai, only sniffing the fragrance, is same as reading just looking at cover of book.

2)ヘリコプターが山岳地帯の少数民族の村の中央の広場に、地表を舐めるように旋回して降りる。Down the circling helicopter lick ground to the square in center of minority villages located in the mountainous.
Forests flecked on reddish-brown ground, and dry fields surround the village.
熱帯だが高原なので風が乾いてさわやかだ。Even the tropics, but highland, so wind was dry and cool and comfortable.

Villages and houses are falling apart.
Village and village, house and house were connected with thin line of narrow paths like snakes.
It seemed that houses were entrails and organs, paths were pipes of blood, people come and go were blood.
Narrow paths disappear into the surrounding mountains from the village.
その奥の森に沈香の木は生えている。Fragrant trees were growing in the forest beyond.

(2)参席者着席。Participations are sitting down.

@      香りはあの世からの迎え船だ。Fragrance is a messenger ship to take people to that world.
Let’s prepare to go over from this world that is current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, to that world, that is past of memories and future of aspirations made by mind of words.

A      現在の現実として見えたり感じたりしている光景は、感覚や感情の心の興奮だ。Scenes that feel and appear as a current realities are excitement of sensitive and emotional mind.
Sensitive and emotional mind is different working of brain from myself, workings of mind of words.
現在の現実を,見たり、触れたり、聞いたりしているのは本当の自分ではない。The thing that looks, touches, hears this current realities is not real myself.
自分は言葉の心の働きだ。Real myself is workings of mind of words.
realities is same as television screen by radio wave.
自分に見えているは画面であって、電波ではない、という自覚が大切だ。The tings which myself sees are a screen instead of radio wave

B      香りは、空中の微粒子や分子を鼻の粘膜が感知して脳に生じる心理現象だ。Fragrance is a psychological phenomenon in the brain, when mucous membrane senses the molecules and particles in the air.
In that sense, visible world is a psychological phenomenon that raised in mind of the person who sees it.
World is a chunk of words which myself, workings of mind of words, makes by converting information, received by sensitive and emotional mind, into words.

C      自分の足を、感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実つまりこの世から離して、あの世つまり言葉の心が生み出す記憶の過去や願望の未来に置いてみよう。Let’s try to leave foot from this world that is  current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind and put foot on that world that is past of memories and future of aspirations made by mind of words.
Notice distance between sensitive and emotional mind, and myself, workings of mind of words.

D      見たり、聞いたり、感じたりしているのは、感覚の心に映った現在の現実だ。The things which we see, hear and feel are current realities reflected by sensitive mind.
Myself, workings of mind of words is not there.
喜んだり怒ったりは、感情の心の興奮だ。To be glade and to be angry is working of emotional mind.
Myself, workings of mind of words is not there.
自分は、言葉で自身の世界や時間を作り、その中にいる。Myself makes own world and time and is among them.

E      客観という、主観より正しい物の見方があると信じている人には、自分が、他者の鏡が映す欲望の姿に見える。Who believes that there is a objective viewpoint righter than subjective viewpoint, sees as if myself is a figure of desires reflected on others ' mirror.
Can't see myself or someone else's subjectivity.しかし、いつか、客観的事実という幻想で押さえ込んできた主観が反乱を起こす。However, someday, the subjectivity which has been oppressed with the fantasy of objective fact, will rebel against.
それより先に子供達が親に反抗するだろう。Before it
children will rebel against their parents.
本当の自分は、客観的事実ではなく、主観的事実の中に生きている。Real myself is living not in the objective facts but living in subjective facts.

F      現在の現実は、感情の心の色眼鏡を通しているので、めがねの色が重なって見えている。Because current realities are seen through colored glasses of emotional mind, so the color of glasses may overlap.
感情の心の基本的な働きが欲望つまり損得へのこだわりだと仮定すれば、欲望が生じると無い物まで見えるという意味で、自分は自分の欲望を見ていることになる。Assuming that fundamental workings of human emotional mind are desire that is lust loss and gain commitment, when desire arise see something which is not. That means myself see my own desire.
What desires show is called phantom.
That same West Pure Land or God or Buddha.
現在の現実には感覚や感情の心の色眼鏡に重なって見えている幻しかない。In current realities there are only phantoms seen
through colored glasses of emotional mind.
Sensitive and emotional mind cannot sense only phantoms through own desire.
That means current reality reflected by sensitive and emotional mind is fake.
Vanity of vanities. Both things we see and our mind that sees is a phantom illusion.

G      私達が現実だと信じている情報の75%は目から入ってくる。75% of information we believe reality. comes from eyes.
その情報を現実だと信じている間は、自分は目の奴隷になっている。While we
believe the information comes from eyes reality, our myself turned into slaves of eyes.

H      言葉の心の働きである自分の救いは、この世つまり感覚や感情の心に映る現在の現実にはなく、あの世つまり言葉の心が作る記憶の過去や願望の未来にある。Salvation of myself, workings mind of words, is in that world that is past of memories and future of aspirations made by mind of words instead of current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
この世、つまり現在の現実、感覚や感情の心、癒し、それらと距離をとる。This world, current reality, sensitive and emotional mind, healing,
take away with them.
言葉の心に導かれて、救いを求めて、あの世、つまり記憶の過去や願望の未来、救いを求めて、言葉の国を旅する。Guided by mind of words, traveling that world that is past of memories and future of aspirations to look for salvation in the country of words.
Spa travel is a journey searching for healing of sensitive and emotional mind. Mon-Kou is a journey searching for the salvation of mind of words.

I      香炉のそばにいると香りが分からなくなる。Be near the incense burner. lose scent.
離れると、香りが良くわかる。Leave the incense burner, catches scent.
I can't see mountain when I an in it.
山から離れると山は見える。Leave from mountain, can see it.
家の中では家の匂いは分からない。Be in the house, can not catch smell of the house.
When entering from outside can smell.
この世にいては、この世にいることが分からない。While staying in this world, c
an not understand being in this world.
See from that world, can understand being in this world.
感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実の中にいると、自分が分からない。While staying in current realities, workings of sensitive and emotional mind, can not understand myself.
感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実から離れ、言葉の心に切り替わると、自分が記憶の過去や願望の未来に居ることが分かる。Leave from current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind,
and switches to mind of words, can understand that myself is in the past of memories and future of aspirations.

(3)香元、開席の辞。Kou-moto, open Kou-ceremony remarks.

@    この世からあの世へ、心の旅の開始を宣言する。Declaring a spiritual journey started from this world to that world.さあ、これから、みなさんで、あの世からの迎え船に乗りましょう。Let’s ride the ship come for us from that world.

(4)香木を香炉に載せる。香りが点つ。Put fragrant wood in incense burner. Scent.

@    香りには、癒しの香り、初香(しょこう)と、救いの香り、本香(ほんこう)がある。There are two kinds of fragrances. Fragrance for healing, Syo-kou and fragrance for salvation, Hon-kou.
香りの成分の違いではなく、聞く側の心の働き方の違いのことだ。This is not the difference
between fragrance constituents, but workings of mind of hearer.
感覚や感情の心で聞くのが初香、言葉の心で聞くのが本香だ。Hearing by sensitive and emotional mind is Syo-kou, and hearing by mind of words is Hon-kou.

A    苦しみから逃れるには2つの方法がある。In two ways to escape suffering.
Way to escape by "be healed" and "be saved".
まず「癒される」という逃れ方について考える。First think about way to escape by "be healed".


@    癒しの香りを聞く。Healing fragrance for healing.

1)        香りは感覚の心に受信されて感覚になる。Fragrance becomes sensation received by sensitive mind.
Sense related to loss and gain down to emotional mind, and becomes emotion.
損つまり不快や困難から逃れ、得つまり安楽を求める。Escape from loss that is discomfort and difficult and seek gain that is comfort and ease.
These are workings of mind as animal that is sensitive and emotional mind.
Mind of words developed enough, emotion of loss that is discomfort and difficult are transmitted to words future of aspirations.
苦難の感情を言葉に変換する。Convert emotion of loss into words
願望の未来が生まれる。Future of aspirations is born.
苦難に挑戦する勇気が生まれる。Courage to challenge
hardship arises.
香りは感覚の心に働きかける。Fragrance works on the sensitive mind.
感覚の心は快不快の程度つまり重要度を判定して、重要な情報は感情の心に伝える。Sensitive mind determines the degree of comfort and discomfort and conveys important information to emotional mind.
感情の心は、損得を判定し、苦難を避け、競争差別や安楽を求めようとする。Emotional mind judges profits or losses and avoids discomfort and difficult and seek competition or discrimination and comfort and ease.
動物は 現在の現実の苦難から逃れられない時、諦めるが、人の場合は言葉の心が働き、言葉で願望の未来を作り出す。When animal can not escape from suffering in current realities, should quit but in case of human, mind of words works and makes future of aspirations.
そして現在の現実を越えて、願望の未来を実現しようとする。And try to realize future of aspirations beyond current realities.

2)        香りは癒しをくれる。Fragrance gives me healing.
But fragrance does not give satisfaction or salvation to myself, workings of mind of words.
癒しの虚しさを知る。Learn that healing is empty.
感覚や感情の心で聞く香りは、移り香にも残り香にもならずに消える、現在の現実だ。Fragrance heard by sensitive and emotional mind is current realities, and disappear without becoming a lingering fragrance also leftover fragrance.
言葉の心の働きである自分にとってそれは虚無だ。It's nothingness for myself, workings of mind of words.
虚無へ誘う香りだ。It's the fragrance invites to nothingness.

3)        広い意味での言葉たち、つまりお気に入りの道具やルール、組織や衣食住に包まれていると安らぐ。Shrouded with favorite words in a broad sense, that is tools, rules, organization, food, clothing and shelter make me comfortable and at peace.
Myself is  workings of mind of words, that is information.
体としての人々や物としての外界に囲まれていても、それは体、つまり感覚や感情の心の癒しにはなるが、言葉の心の働きである自分にとっては虚無で、安らぎにはならない。So surrounded by people as bodies or outside world as things, they give healings to sensitive and emotional mind, but myself, workings of mind of words, they are nothingness and do not give peace.

A    初香の鑑賞(1)。Appreciation of Syo-kou. (1).

1)    感覚の心で聞く。Hear by sensitive mind.

2)    快不快の香りが聞こえる。Fragrance of comfort or discomfort is heard.

3)    香りが漂っているここは現在の現実だ。This place where fragrance hang in the air is current realities.

4)    言葉の心の働きである本当の自分は、ここにはいない。Real myself, workings of mind of words, is not here.

B    初香の鑑賞(2)。Appreciation of Syo-kou.(2).

1)    感覚から感情が生じる。Emotion is raised from sensation.

2)    損得、好悪、競争、差別、所有の感情が湧いて来る。Emotions of loss and gain, likes and dislikes, competition, discrimination, and possession well up. 苦しみや迷いも湧いて来る。Agony and indecision well up, too.

3)    ここも現在の現実だ。This place is current realities, too.

4)    言葉の心の働きである本当の自分は、ここにはいない。Real myself, workings of mind of words, is not here.

(6)香炉を次客に廻す。Hand the censer to the next person.


@    救いの香りつまり言葉を聞く。Hear the fragrance of salvation that is words.
Had two ways to escape from suffering.
Escaping by "being healed" and "being saved".
Hon-kou means thinking about "being saved".

1)        感覚や感情の心は動物の心だ。Sensitive and emotional mind is animal mind.
現在の現実を受身で感じ、反応する心だ。It's  mind feels current realities passively and reacts.
ヒトの心は、現在の現実を言葉にして、記憶の過去や願望の未来を生み出す。Human mind of words converts current realities into words, and shapes past of memories and future of aspirations.
It's the mind thinking about spring in winter.

2)        心に写る順番。The order of mind reflects.
感覚や感情の心は、感覚器官に入る刺激の順番に、感覚や感情を映し出す。Sensitive and emotional mind reflects sensations and emotions in order of stimuli which sensory organs accepts.
There is no context as meaning.
It's mind of animal only react to immediate crises and opportunities.
刺激が無ければ眠ってしまう心だ。It's a mind falls asleep without irritation.言葉の心は、受けた刺激を言葉にして記憶する。Mind of words remember stimuli with converting into words.
牛のように反芻して消化したり、リスのように蓄えたり、ムササビのように目標に挑戦したりする。And ruminates and digests like cow, accumulate like squirrel, challenge the purpose like flying squirrel.
And divides those memories and aspirations into groups and extracts in order of importance.
記憶の過去や願望の未来を生み出し、現在の現実を乗り越えようとすることができる。an create past of memories and future of aspirations and  try to overcome current realities.

A    香元の指導(1)。Guidance by Kou-moto, manager of Kou-ceremony(1).

1)        坐を整える。Arrange sitting.

a.    座る。Sit down.

b.    目を閉じる。Close eyes.

c.    襟を前に引かれるように、前傾姿勢で、重心が背骨を貫くようにする。As drawn collar before, forward position, gravity through centre of spine.

2)        呼吸を整える。Arrange breath.

a.    息を吐いてください。Try breathing out.
Slowly sharing and continues to vomit.
Becomes more and more painful.
下腹を振り絞って頑張ってください。Strain belly and  stand
自然のままに吸ってください。Breath of pristine.
Supremely happy.
世の中でこれ以上ありがたいことはないという気分ですね。There is nothing more thankful than this
in this world.

b.    もう一度繰り返します。Repeat one more time.
息を吐いてください。Try breathing out.
Slowly sharing and continues to vomit.だんだん苦しくなります。Becomes more and more painful.
下腹を振り絞って頑張ってください。Strain belly and  stand .
Breath of pristine.
最高にうれしいですね。Supremely happy.
世の中でこれ以上ありがたいことはないという気分ですね。Feel that there is nothing more thankful than this
in this world.

c.    この喜びを味わっている「自分」は、体の何処にいるのでしょうか。Where is myself who feels this pleasure in this body?

B    香元の指導(2)。Guidance by Kou-moto, manager of Kou-ceremony.(2)

1)        言葉の心のスィッチを入れる。Switch of mind of words put on.

2)        香りを言葉にする。Convert fragrance into words.

a.    香りを言葉にする。Convert fragrance into words.

ア.家族は互いの日記帳だ。Member of  family are diary one another's.
They record each other's life.
They are  readers and observers of their lives with each other.
To record one’s life  for one’s own  is vain.
言葉の心の働きである自分にとって、見守ってくれる、記憶してくれる者が必要なのだ。Myself, workings of mind of words, needs someone who keeps a very close watch on what is happening
and remember.

イ.話す人にとっての聞く人、書く人にとって読む人は、何のための存在なのだろう。For what listener is for speaker, reader is for writer?
For what family is for every family member.
So to have memorized, record myself.
They are for people to read and hear.
Husband and wife are seen from the aspect of the body, made to raise children.
Be seen from the aspect of the mind, record each other mutually and to remember.
Others are not enough.記念碑ではだめなのか。A monument is not enough of either.
It's no sense without in being together in unity always forever.
It should be a runner accompanying with me running at the same speed and in the same direction as myself.

ウ.言葉を参照して、二度と繰り返したくない過ちを思い起し、反省することができる。Human can remember and think about mistakes which wouldn't want to repeat 2 times, to reflect on the words.
Produce purposes, which can't stop doing, with words.
その時は、現在の現実は後手になるが、結果、未来に生きようとする力を得られる。At that time, lose the initiative in current realities, but
as a result, can gain power to live in future.

b.    香りと自分について考える。Think about fragrance and myself.

ア.私は、体のどこにいる。Where is myself in the body?

イ.私は、どんな形をしている。What is form of myself.

ウ.自分が死ぬとは、自分にとって、何を意味するのか。What is the meaning for myself that myself dies?

エ.自分の死後、自分はどうなる。What will happen to myself after myself dies?

オ.だから自分はどう生きればいいの。So how should myself live?

カ.香木は奪い、蓄え、独占することが出来るが、香りとなると共有するしかない。Fragrant wood can be taken, stored, and dominated, but after being converted into  fragrance, only we can do is sharing.
嫌でも勝手に流れ込んで来る。Also irrespective of one’s taste, come flowing.
To think myself is thing, makes myself happy to procure, to store and to monopolize.
与えたり、消費すると、損をしたように思う。To give or to spend makes myself unhappy as if
being lost.
自分は香りつまり情報で、すべても香りつまり情報だ。Myself is like a fragrance that is information and everything is like a fragrance that is information, too.
Fragrance is information, and its part is to be sent to others.

キ.香りから言葉を生みだす。言葉から自分を生みだす。To generate words from fragrance. Generate myself from words.

ク.見えない香りを言葉にして見る。See invisible fragrance by converting into words.
Notice the world is producing my own words.
Finds that even myself and world are words, become free real myself, workings of mind of words, from fake myself, workings of sensitive and emotional mind.

ケ.自分は、願望を言葉にした目的を持つことで救われる。Myself is saved with a purpose converted from aspirations into words.

c.    香りと言葉について考える。Think about words and fragrance.

ア.香りは脇役、主役は言葉の心の働きである自分だ。Fragrance is supporting role, leading role it myself, workings of mind of words.
Word is identity of fragrance.
言葉にすれば身につき、他者とも共有できる。Fragrance can be acquired and shared with others, by being converted into words.

イ.言葉の心の働きである自分にとって、言葉は香りだ。For myself, workings of mind of words, word is fragrance.
Mind of words generates words like fragrant wood generates fragrance. And words create myself and world and time.
視点を、感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実から、言葉の心が生み出す記憶の過去や願望の未来に切り替える。Switch the perspective to past of memories and future of aspirations created by mind of words from current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
Of course, instead of time movement of body such as SF, mind switching.
地上の蟻の心が舞い上がって、鳥の心になって、自身を鳥瞰する感じだ。It is like such a feeling, as if mind of ant on the ground flies up the sky, becomes mind of bird, get itself an overview.
感覚や感情の心から言葉の心に、心の持ち方を切り替えるのだ。Is switching the State of mind from sensitive and emotional mind to mind of words.
Kou-Shin-Mon is a ferry to that world from this world.

ウ.言葉はどこから来るのだろう。I wonder from where words come.
言葉は体のどこに居るのだろう。I wonder where words are in this body.
I wonder where words are in this mind.

エ.言葉はどのように身につくのだろう。I wonder how the words got into myself.
身につくとはどういうことなのだろう。I wonder what getting into myself means.
I wonder how I should do to acquire words.

オ.複数の香材を薫き、香りの聞き比べをする。Heating several kinds of fragrant materials and hear to compare each other.
香りの同異を当てっこする。Do game of comparing fragrances.
People can check the difference between tens of thousands of scents.
生存に重要な要素なのに、においの違いには、独自の言葉が無い。It is an
important element for survival but there is no exclusive word about difference of scents.
Substitute words of taste like sweet, spicy.何故だろう。Why.
Scents appeal only to sense of smell.
原始的なので、感知はするが言葉にできず、記憶も出来ない。Sense of smell is primitive so can notice but can not convert into words.
おいしいものを食べたり、楽しく遊んだり、五感で味わう人生は、楽しいけれど、記憶に残らない。Life being tasted with all five senses like to eat delicious things or to play fun are interesting but not memorable.
Can't remember if it passed.
Can not tell others.
Can't leave records.
So it is not bad, but who knows the power of words, and lives in a world of words will be unsatisfied.
Leave as the words.
I think it is necessary to peace of mind.

カ.体と心の役割について考えた。Thought about  role of body and mind.
心は体を守り、生かすために生じている情報体だ。Mind is a information activities which was born and evolve to protect and use body.
心には2つの異なった働きが在る。There are two different works in mind.
癒しつまり現在の現実の安楽を求める心と、救いつまり現在の現実の苦難を乗り越えるための願望の未来を求める心だ。The mind which seeks healing that is comfort and ease in current realities, and the mind which seeks salvation to overcome sufferings in current realities that is future of aspirations.
そもそもの心は現在の現実の安楽つまり癒しを求める感覚や感情の心だったのだろう。The mind in the beginning, it is sensitive and emotional mind that seeks comfort and ease in current realities that is healing.
Starts to move with hungry and sleeps when eats heartily.
厳しい現在の現実の環境に晒されて、救いつまり願望の未来を求めるように進化したのだろう。This sensitive and emotional mind  might evolve with being exposed to harsh environments of current realities and ask for salvation that is future of aspirations.
人としての言葉の心の始まりだ。It's beginning of mind of words as human.
感覚や感情の心は、動物としての心だ。Sensitive and emotional mind is mind as animal.
Sensitive and emotional mind is like alarm device attached to the body which rings when wants to be healed and disappears to be fulfilled.
ヒトとして願望の未来に生きるための必需品は、サイレンでなく、工夫、努力、救いだ。The necessities
to live future of aspirations as human is devise, effort, salvation instead of siren.
It's mind of words.
香は癒しの遊びと思われている。Kou is thought like play for healing.
Healing is a trap to lead to sleep or death for the people in harsh environments.
Kou-Shin-Mon switches states of mind from sensitive and emotional mind to mind of words.
It switches from mind as animal to mind as human.
It grows the mind to live that is mind of words.

3)        先人の言葉を鑑賞する。To appreciate the words of our ancestors.

a.    先人の言葉を学ぶ。Learn the words of our ancestors.
To appreciate the subject of incense ceremony, such as Waka that is words of ancient people.
The symbolism of the attack boats from sea of verbal DNA means that world.

b.    文章を鑑賞する。Admire the writing.
Reproduce the sensitive mind of the author in myself.
Reproduce the emotional mind of the author in myself.
Reproduce the mind words of the author in myself.第一服。The first fragrance.
Fragrance of  current reality.
Taste in sensitive and emotional mind.
快不快の感覚や好悪の感情を引き起こす。Cause sensation of pleasantness and the emotion of likings.
Current realities are born.
The second fragrance.
Fragrance of past of memories.
Look for words like out of memory.○○のような香り。Fragrance like ○○.
Fragrance converted into  words, and be remembered.
Past is born.
The third fragrance.
Fragrance of future of aspirations.
The thinking raised from the words convert into own words, then make purposes.
未来が生まれる。Future will be born.

(8)焼香をする。Burn fragrant wood.
移り香。Lingering fragrance.
Have a lingering and back to this world from that world.

@    香炉を戻す。Return the censer.
Dig out Tadon, burn wrecks of fragrant wood.

A    自分も世界も時間も、すべては香りだったと知る。Know myself, world, time, all of them were fragrance.

(9)献香。Offering fragrance.

@      香を献じる対象を決める。Determine the target to offer the fragrance.

A      子供に献じる。Offer to children.
Give the power to live.
Fragrance for Salvation.

B      人々に献じる。Offer to people.
癒し香。Fragrance for healing.

C      死者に献じる。Offer to dead.
Deliver minds of living to dead.
葬香。Kou for

(10)                移り香。Lingering fragrance.

@    「心の香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。" Fragrance of mind" to home.

A    「言葉の心の香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。Wear" fragrance of mind of words" to home.

B    「言葉の香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。Wear" fragrance of word" to home.

C    「自分の香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。Wear" fragrance of myself" to home.

D    「世界の香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。Wear" fragrance of world" to home.

E    「時間の香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。Wear" fragrance of time" to home.

D      現在の現実に縛られていた視野が、記憶の過去や願望の未来に広がる。Horizons which were tied to current realities spread past of memories and future of aspirations.
World will change to movies from pictures.

E      現在の現実に流されていた受動的な生き方が、未来を作ろうとする能動的な生き方になる。Passive way of life which had been thrown to current realities, will change aggressive way of life to make future.

F      生かされている心から生きようとする心になる。Be mind to try to live from being alive mind.
動物の心からヒトの心になる。Be mind of human from mind of animal.

(11)                自分の星を作る。Make a star of myself.

@      「言葉のDNAの香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。Wear" fragrance of verbal DNA" to home.

A      「言葉のDNAの海の香り」を身に着け持ち帰る。Wear" fragrance of sea of verbal DNA" to home.

(12)                閉席の辞。心の旅の終わりを宣言する。Closing remarks for incense ceremony. Declaring the end of the spiritual journey.

(13)                残り香。Leftover.

@    ゴールに着いた、わが人生も何とか形がついた。Arrived at goal. My life somehow came to form.
I wonder how can I get such satisfaction and sense of accomplishment and safe ground.
Have goal.
目標やゴールは、言葉を、自分で、作らねば持てない。Can not get purpose or target or goal without making words. by myself.
Can't finish without goal.
Fanned by fears and competition, shall continue to run and stray forever.

A    目的と目標。Purpose and target.

B    自分の成長。Myself’s growth.

C    癒しの香り香は消え、救いの言葉だけが残るのを知る。Notice healing of fragrance should disappear and only the salvation words will leave.

D    感覚や感情は消え、言葉だけが残ることを知る。Notice sensations and emotions should disappear and only words will leave.

(14)                残り火の始末。Settlement of embers.

@    感覚や感情の心の火種を、心の火消し壷である言葉の心に入れる。Put a kindling of sensitive and emotional mind into mind of words which is a fire urn of mind.

A    自分へのこだわりを、心の火消し壷である言葉の心に入れる。Put self-consciousness into mind of words which is a fire urn of mind.

B    生老病死への恐れ、つまり感覚や感情の心の火種を、心の火消し壷である言葉の心に入れる。Put a fear of fate to death in sensitive and emotional mind into mind of words which is a fire urn of mind.つまり生老病死への恐れを言葉にする。In other words convert fear of fate to death into words.

(15)                道具の片付け。Clean up tools.
次の心の旅の準備。Preparation for next spiritual journey.