(1)  (3)

2.薫香の知識。Knowledge about burning incense.

(1)香りの滋養。Nourishing with fragrance.

@    沈香の成分は副交感神経を優位にする。The ingredients of Jin-kou lead to parasympathetic dominance.
精神安定。Mental stability.
Switch brain does not want excitement.

A    沈香には沈静作用がある。Jin-kou has effect of soothing.
To help minimize excitement of sensitive and emotional mind.
As a result, advantage mind of words and enhance concentration, patience and comprehension and thinking and imagination.
Enhance learning ability.

B    香りは、感覚や感情の心では平安は得られないことを教えてくれる。Fragrance tells us sensitive and emotional mind does not give us peace.
It’s dark. I can't see anything.
明るくなったのは外界の部屋だ。Became a room bright but not myself.
My mind room is remained bleak.
Eat something.
食べても胃袋の辺りが重くなっただけで、肝心の自分の心の胃袋はひもじいままだ。Just eat around my stomach became heavy but my mind is hungry still.
It's cold.
Heat.暖かくなったのは外だけだ。It got warmer is just outside.
自分がいる心の部屋は寒いままだ。My mind room is cold still.
痛い。It hurts.
Heal the wound.
治ったのは体だけだ。Only body is recovered.
肝心の自分の心の傷は疼いたままだ。My trauma is still hurting.

C    機嫌を悪くさせるものは、競争、差別、所有欲などだ。What make bad humor are competition, discrimination and desire for possession.
物は有限なので、みんなで分けることができない。Thing is limited and can't be separated at all.
Thing can't be separated at all, raises desire of competition, discrimination, ownership.
Good flavor fill everybody with good humor.
生き心地を良くする。To improve the living comfort.
Fragrance can't possess.
Fragrance can be shared.
Calm down desire of competition, discrimination, ownership.
In addition, Jin-kou can calm excitement of a nerve.

D    心を切り替えるとはどういうことなのか。What does switching mind mean?
Navigating past of memories and future of aspirations beyond current realities.
It is the purpose of Kou-Shin-Mon.

E    炭団の熱が香木をあぶり、分子が空中に放たれる。Tadon-heat roasts fragrant wood and molecules are released into the air.
Molecules cause electrical signals in the olfactory receptor cells, and communicated to mind to become sensation, emotion, and word.
自分にとっての本当の香りは、この過程のどこで生じているのだろう。Where does
real fragrance for me raises in this process.
Kou-Shin-Mon’s idea is word.

F    ヒトは情報のほとんどを視覚と聴覚から得ている。Humans are getting most of the information from the visual and auditory.
香りつまり嗅覚による情報収集は、未開発の能力の発見なのだ。Fragrance, olfactory information gathering is discovery the untapped ability.

G    感覚の心の満足は、かゆいところを掻く、空腹の時に食べる、渇いた時に飲む、眠い時に寝る、体の必要を満たす、それ以上のことは無い。To satisfy sensitive mind, scratch an itch, eat hungry time, drink thirsty time, sleep sleepy time, meet body needs, no more than that.
It's similar suffering of sensitive mind.
感情の心は受身で興奮するだけ。Emotional mind only get excited in the passive.随意に喜楽を生じさせたり、怒哀を解消したりする働きはない。Can not make or eliminate joy, anger or sorrow, arbitrarily.
Can only respond to current realities.
感覚や感情の心、つまり動物としての心は、現在の現実の檻に囚われているのだ。Sensitive and emotional mind, as animal mind, is held in the cages of current reality.

H    言葉の心の働きである自分は、他者を喜ばせることで喜ぶようにできている。Myself, workings of mind of words, is made to rejoice in pleasing others.鏡のようだ。It's like a mirror.
他者を喜ばせることに努めれば、自分を喜ばせることになる。If one makes efforts to please others, he will please himself.
Fragrance also enjoy with others.
言葉の心は、他者を喜ばせるようにできている。Mind of words is made to please the others.
Bounce from others' joys make myself pleasure arises.
自身が直接得ようとしないで、他者の鑑に反射させて得るのだ。Not get pleasure directly, but get bounce from others.
So mothers get pleasure from smile of a child.

I    香心門の薫香には、道具はいらない。Burning fragrant wood in Kou-Shin-Mon, tools are unnecessary.
Fragrant wood is also unnecessary, too.
Prepared with any tool, any firing way, any incense material, it’s only dispersed molecules.
Incense material in Kou-Shin-Mon is words that arise from mind.

(2)香材による分類。Classification based on incense material.

(3)香りの発生方法による分類。Classification based on how to raise fragrance.

@    常温揮発。Volatile at room temperature.

A    加熱揮発。Heated volatile.

1)  焼香。Burning incense.

2)  炙り香。Toasting incense.

3)  熱源と道具。Heat sources and tools.

a.    燃油。Fuel oil.

b.    蝋燭。Candles.

c.    炭団。Tadon.

(4)香りの漂わせ方による分類。Classification based on how to drift fragrance.

@      聞香。個人のための香。Mon-Kou. Fragrance for individuals.

1)小乗と大乗。Hinayana and Mahayana.
I that think for myself is small I.
Obtained, to do something for myself is a small salvation.
Small I means sensitive and emotional mind.
小さい救いとは癒しのことだ。Small salvation means healing.
Healing does not last long.
small I into words, small I spreads to parents, grandparents, family, community, nation and humanity, all lives.それが大きい自分だ。It's big I.
そして大きい自分のために何かをして得られるのが大きい救いだ。And big salvation is obtained, to do something for big I.
小さな自分のために焚く香りは、小さな救いつまり癒しをもたらす。Fragrance raised for small I brings small salvation that is healing.
Fragrance raised for everyone brings big healing that is saving.

2)小さな自分のために焚く香りは、仏教で言えば小乗だFragrance raised for small I is the Hinayana in Buddhism.
The obtained things are temporary healing of sensitive and emotional mind.
献香は、小さい自分を超えた大きい自分つまりみんなのために香りを焚く儀式だ。Ken-Kou that is
offering incense is ceremony to raise fragrance for big I as everyone, beyond small I.
Fragrance offered to family and acquaintances, dead and humanity.
Lasting salvation is obtained with raising such kinds of fragrance.
小さな自分である学者が大きな自分である教育者になるのはこれと同じだ。It is same that scholars as small I become educator as big I.

3)一生を振り返る。Looking back on my life.
喜びや輝きや高揚は、いつも自分以外の誰かや何かのために努力していた時に生じていたことに気がつく。Notice that joy and brilliance and uplifting were caused when  committed to the effort for something or someone else.
Big I beyond small I is parents, family, and sometimes fellow, company and school.
Athletic team or class or group.
Even by the people, religious or political organizations, community.
Feelings of joy and radiance and uplifting are a result of working for other instead of small I.

A      空薫。みんなのための香。Sora-Daki. Fragrance for everyone.

1)喜びには二種ある。There are two kinds of joy.
Excitement of sensitive mind that is comfortable or uncomfortable and excitement of emotional mind that is delight, anger, sorrow or pleasure and satisfaction of mind of words.
Myself is workings of mind of words, and is different workings of brain from sensitive or emotional mind.
寂しさや虚しさ、不安は、快楽では満たせない。Pleasures can not get rid of loneliness or emptiness or anxiety.
The excitement of sensitive and emotional mind can not satisfy myself, workings of mind of words.
自分のために料理を作る。Make cooking for myself.
自分のための利益を追求する。Seek for own interests.
Seek for own comfort.
As a result, satisfaction disappear with temporary excitement and healing.
Myself is a working of mind of words.
Real myself is in the world of words.
記憶の過去や願望の未来に居る。Real myself is in past of memories and future of aspirations.
言葉の心の満足とは何だろう。What is satisfaction of mind of words.
Assuming that I raise fragrance for myself.
香りは感覚や感情の心で止まって、言葉の心の働きである自分には届かないだろう。Fragrance will stop at sensitive and emotional mind and It will not reach to myself, workings of mind of words.
どうすれば、自分に届く香が焚けるのだろう。How can I raise fragrance that can reach myself.
自分のために物語を語る。Tell a story to myself.
I'm sure would be boring.
Tell the story to grandchildren.
Would be very interesting.
Not to tell but to make someone happy.

2)真実をこの世で唯一の正しい答えだとする。Assuming that truth is the only one correct answer in this world.
This world means current reality reflected by each one's sensitive and emotional mind.
あの世とは言葉の心が作っている記憶の過去や願望の未来のことだ。That world means past of memories and future of aspirations made by mind of words.
どちらにしても、一人一人別々に存在するEither way, exist each one separately.
Current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, dogs and cats, ants and butterflies have different respectively one by one.
世で唯一というのは、一人一人、命のひとつずつが映し出す現在の現実において唯一ということだ。Only one in this world means only one in each current realities made by individual, the each one lives.
Difference between right and wrong corrigendum superiority or inferiority, is the judgment made from each perspective of individual or lives.
Neither this world nor right and wrong beyond individual life exist.
Truth is in one's life, one by one, separately.
To impose particular judgment to others is the disease raised by enlargement of competitive and discriminatory impulse of sensitive and emotional mind.

B      移り香(うつりが)。言葉を共有するための香り。Utsuri-Ga. Lingering fragrance. Fragrance for sharing words.

1)残香や移り香は、言葉のDNAのことだ。Leftover or lingering fragrance means verbal DNA.

2)移り香とは、香りを持ち運びできるように、持ち帰ることができるようにした、言葉だ。Lingering fragrance is words that make fragrance can be carried and brought home.周囲のヒトに分けることができる。Can be divided into around humans.
Acquiring good humor and bring back and divide everyone.
(イギリスの作家、サッカレー)。Good humor is the best clothes person can wear. (British writer, Thackeray).

3)自分や世界や時間を自分の言葉で作り、自分を強め、自信を高めよう。Let’s make myself, world, time in own words to strengthen myself and self-confidence.
And let’s spring out the vitality, willingness, courage to live, with having confidence in past of memories and perspective to future,

4)母を病院に連れて行った。Took mother to the hospital.
Yet family frequently said bow.
Sat in the waiting room.
隣の女性も母親を連れていた。Lady next seat also took her mother.
Her mother seemed to have no more ability to say bow.
感謝の気持は心から心への移り香だと思った。I thought the mind of thank you is lingering fragrance from heart to heart.

C      残り香(のこりが)。身についた言葉。Nokori-Ga. Leftover fragrance. The word acquired.

1)言葉にした香りのこと。Fragrance became words.
To remember fragrance, became a word, at the time of affliction or distress, hardship, makes us inspire the courage and good cheer.

2)会いたい何か、しなくては居られない何かを持つ。Have something want to see. Have something want to do.

(5)香りによる分類。Classification based on fragrance.

@    香心門での香りの段階。Stages of fragrance in Kou-ShinMon.

1)初香(しょこう)。Sho-Kou. First fragrance.
realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
Real fragrance.
Fragrance crystallizes into words.
Past of memories and future of aspirations.

A    虚香(うつろが)。Utsuro-Ga. Fragrance of nothingness.

1)虚無を知る。Know about nothingness.
Know space and society also body is nothingness reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.

2)虚無の反意語は言葉だ。Antonym of nothingness is word.
World is balloons of words made by each life, each person.
It’s not big one single space of outside, such as vessel that holds all.
For someone, the difference between nothingness and part of world is whether he has words about it or not.
Nothingness is everything which the person does not have his own words about it.
Even if feel with sensitive and emotional mind, but not make it into words, it’s nothingness for the person.
Even if everybody else has it as words, and has it as a part of his world, if the person does not make it his own words, it’s nothingness for him.
Both the world before birth and after death, if we made them into words, it’s a part of world, if not, it’s nothingness.
If make it into words, world as past of memories and future of aspirations are born.
While alive, until making words, we are a resident of nothingness, current reality reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, like animal.

3)感覚や感情の心が現在の現実を映し出す。Sensitive and emotional mind reflects current realities.動物としての世界の誕生だ。The animal world is born.
神経や感覚器官の働きである感覚の心が環境変化の刺激を感知する。Sensitive mind as sensory nerves and sensory organs feels stimulus from environmental changes aroused.
Emotional mind raised in limbic system is excited, and make value judgment about loss and gain, and raises emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure.
第一の仮想世界である現在の現実が感覚や感情の心によって映し出される。Current reality which is the first virtual world is reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
感覚や感情の心は現在の現実の中で、安楽と癒しを求め、苦難を避けようとする。Sensitive and emotional mind seeks healing and ease and tries to avoid hardship in current realities.
既存の楽な環境にもぐりこんで、その中で、安楽に生きようとする。Nestle inside the cushy environment and tries to live comfortably among them.
Life becomes passive and depend on environment.自分を感覚や感情の心だと錯覚していると、癒しを求めて、苦痛や不快を避けてしまう。Having an illusion that myself is sensitive and emotional mind, avoid pain and discomfort to seek healing.
Life gets swallowed into nothingness.
癒しの延長線上に幸福の蜃気楼が見え、渇きの沙漠をさまよってしまう。Extension of healing to see mirage of happiness and end up wandering the desert thirst.
競争差別の錯覚に囚われ、自分を見失う。Trapped in illusion of competition and discrimination and lose own track.
And can not understand, living for what or how to live better.
Being pulled information and values around, and lose own track.
Having an illusion that current reality reflected by sensitive and emotional mind is true myself, world and time, become a state of mind easily seized with the situation of current realities.
感覚や感情の心に引きずられて、現在の現実しか見えなくなり、願望の未来が作れなくなる。Pulled by sensitive and emotional mind, see only current realities, and lose a mental power to imagine future of aspirations.
Lose the purpose or meaning of life.
Can not understand the meaning of live, being old, get decease and die.
自分を体だと錯覚している。Have an illusion that myself is body.生老病死を恐れる。Fear fate to death.
As a result, will to live wither.
Attempt to make nothingness into words to conquer.
Attempt to gather courage and strength to live.

4)虚無からの目覚め。Awakening from nothingness.
Noticed conflict between sensitive and emotional mind and mind of words.
Feel that real mysel is different from this myself, feeling of reality become weak.
Doing only sensitive and emotional mind want, real myself feels emptiness.
Real myself, workings of mind of words, feels discomfort for such state of myself.
結果、生きようとする力が減退する。As a result, power to live ebbed.
Also, the joy of living declines and  power to overcome difficulties weakens.
苦難から逃避しようとする。Such fake myself tries to escape from the hardship.
When meet hardship, retreat to withdrawal and suicide as the ultimate healing.

5)感覚や感情の心は安楽を求め、現在の現実の中で、欠乏と充足、渇きと癒しを繰り返すばかりだ。Sensitive and emotional mind seeks ease and comfort, and only repeat fulfillment and deficiency, thirst and healing in current realities.

6)言葉の心の働きである自分は、言葉で作り出した記憶の過去や願望の未来に居て、現在の現実を乗り越えようとしている。Myself, workings of mind of words, stay in past of memories and  future of aspirations made with words, and try to overcome current realities.
But prone to illusion that myself live in current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
言葉の心の働きである自分は、本当は記憶の過去や願望の未来に居るのだが、動物が、鏡の像を実物だと想ってしまうように、感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実に居るのだと思ってしまう。Myself, workings of mind of words, in reality stay in past of memories and future of aspirations, prone to think that stay in current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, like an animal thinks the image in the mirror is true myself.

7)自分は言葉の心の働きだから、他者の言葉を鵜呑みにすると、その他者に乗っ取られてしまう。Myself is workings of mind of words, so if swallow the words of others, taken over by them.
自分を、みんなという言葉に乗っ取られてしまうことも起こる。It happens that myself is
taken over with the word “everybody”.
Swapping would happen between everyone’s world and my world, everyone’s time and my time , everyone’s  aspirations and my aspirations, everyone’s  worth and my worth.
自分が虚無に飲み込まれてしまうことも起こる。It happens that
myself get swamped in nothingness, too.

8)感覚や感情の心と言葉の心が葛藤する。Conflicting between sensitive and emotional mind, and mind of words.
癒しや苦痛や苦悩は感覚や感情の心に生じる興奮で、言葉の心とは異次元の生理現象だ。Healing, pain and anguish are excitement in sensitive and emotional mind, and is physiological phenomena of different dimension from mind of words.
Mind of words has an unending task to stack stones of words towards the future to search for salvation.
その作業中、自分は、感覚や感情の心が映し出す癒しや苦痛や苦悩とは違う次元に居る。While doing a task, myself is in different dimension from
healing or pain or suffering reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
This process itself would be salvation for myself.このことは逃避ではない。This is not escapism.
感覚や感情の心のまま、苦痛や苦悩に対する癒しを得るだけでは、しばらくすればまた苦痛や苦悩が生じて解決にはならない。With sensitive and emotional mind, just get healing for pain and suffering, after a while pain and suffering will raise again. There is no solution.
こちらの方が苦痛や苦悩を一時しのぎするだけの逃避となる。This is just
escapism, as a temporary expedient of pain and suffering.
Shortage, anguish and pain required to maintain for life, should be healed.
一方で、言葉の石を願望の未来に積み上げねば救われない。On the other hand,
can not be saved without  piling up words like stones to the future of aspirations.生きている限り、感覚や感情の心は働き続け、癒しや苦痛や苦悩を生み続ける。As far as live, sensitive and emotional mind continue to work and produce healing and pain and suffering.
苦痛や苦悩が生じるたびに、癒すだけでなく、言葉の石を願望の未来に積み上げ、言葉の心を育てねば、いつまでたっても救われない。Whenever pain or suffering is raised, not only heal but also stack stones of words in future of aspirations, to nourish mind of words, if not, can not be saved forever.

B    初香。Syo-Kou. First fragrance.

1)感覚の心や感情の心で香を聞く。Listen fragrance with sensitive and emotional mind.
 listen to the first fragrance.
Listen to fragrance of fake world, current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, like pleasant and unpleasant, joy, anger, sorrow and delight, competition, discrimination, in other word nothingness.

2)香りを感覚の心で聞く。Listen fragrance with sensitive mind.
刺激を受信する。Receive stimulation.
Listen fragrance with emotional mind.
Raise excitement like pleasant and unpleasant, discrimination, competition.
そのことを通じて、癒しの虚しさ、はかなさと、救いの必要を知る。Through it, know emptiness and impermanence of healing, and need of salvation.

C    本香つまり言葉。Hon-Kou. Real fragrance that is words.

1)どうすれば救われるのか考える。Think how can be saved.

a.    自分は言葉の心の働きだ。Myself is mind of words.
Such myself  produces world and time with word.
So, trying to realizethat myself, world and time are words, too.
Myself, workings of mind of words, makes myself and world and time with words.
世界は言葉だ。World is words.
World is myself.
世界は一人に一つずつ、別々にある、World is alone one by one, separately.
別々の世界に住んでいる。Lives alone in each world.
Think so, be saved from temptation of healing that pain and suffering, reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, asks.

ア.願望や目的や目標が、生きようとする力を湧かせてくれる。Aspirations, purposes and goals give us the power to live.
Try to understand aspirations and goals and purposes are words.
aspirations into words.
目的になる。It becomes purposes.
Plug the purposes to current realities, goal appears.
Having the goal, myself appears vividly in future.
Future is aspirations, purposes, goals, in other words words.
Myself appears with aspirations.
自分は生きようとする力として生じる。Myself appears as power to live.

イ.言葉の心の働きである自分が、感覚や感情の心から自由になる。Myself, workings of mind of words, becomes free from sensitive and emotional mind.
Be free from body, fate to death, pains and sufferings, too.

b.    言葉の心をバージョンアップする。Upgrade mind of words.
Upgrade words.
Upgrade purposes and goals.
Upgrade the power to live.
Upgrade activities of life.

ア.受身の生かされている力から、能動的な生きようとする力へ、生命活動をバージョンアップする。Upgrade activities of life from passive power to be lived to active power to live.

イ.生かされている喜びから、生きようとする喜びへ、生命活動をバージョンアップする。Upgrade activities of life from passive joy to be lived to active joy to live.

c.    自分を解放する。Try to be free myself.

ア.言葉の心の働きである自分が、感覚や感情の心から自由になる。Myself, workings of mind of words, becomes free from sensitive and emotional mind.
体の宿命である生老病死からも自由になる。Become free from fate to death of body.

d.    虚無を征服する。Try to conquer nothingness.

ア.言葉の誕生。Birth of word.
始めに言葉ありき。At first of the world, there was word.
言葉の誕生とともに自分や世界が始まった。Myself and
world began with birth of word.
Past of memories and future  of aspirations was born with yself and world.
Evolved from animal to human, from biological being to intelligence being.
World opened to past of memories and future of aspirations beyond the current reality.

イ.感覚の心が受信した重要な信号は、感情の心に送られ、喜怒哀楽の信号を起こし、言葉の心に伝わる。Important signals received by sensitive mind is sent to emotional mind and raise the new signals of joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, if it is important sent to mind of words.
言葉の心はその信号の大切な部分を言葉にして、記憶の過去や願望の未来を作り、思考する。Mind of words translates important parts of signals to words and makes past of memories and future of aspirations in order to think.

ウ.言葉の心の働きである自分は、言葉を組み立てて、感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実とは別の、仮想の世界を作り出しそこに住む。Myself, workings of mind of words, puts together words and produces virtual world different from current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, and lives there.
It is past of memories and future of aspirations.

エ.一人ひとりの脳に形成された言葉の体系は、中心を自分として認識する。Words system formed in each and every brain recognizes the center of it as myself.
of myself.
And recognizes words surrounding myself as world and time.
of world and time.
In one by one, different world and time is born.

オ.記憶した言葉が作り出す世界、つまり過去が生まれる。Born of past, world produced with words memorized.
一人に一つずつ、別々の過去がある。There is one
past in one by one, different from each other.
記憶の一つずつが一つずつの過去になる。Each memory becomes each past.

カ.願望を表す言葉が作り出す世界、つまり未来が生まれる。World made with words meaning aspiration, in other words future is born.
一人に一つずつ、別々の未来がある。There is future in
one by one, different from each other.
Each aspiration becomes each future.

キ.願望の未来を実現するために、現在の現実の苦難と戦おうとする。Try to fight against hardships of current realities to realize future of aspirations.
生きようとする力が生まれる。Power to live
will-power to live, that is  courage and hope.

e.    心の質を高める。Q.O.MQuality of mind。香で心の質を高める。Improve quality of mind. Q.O.M. Improve quality of mind with Kou.

f.    感覚や感情の心が受信した信号を言葉にする。Try to convert signals received by sensitive and emotional mind into words.

ア.感覚や感情の心の興奮、つまり喜怒哀楽を言葉にする。Make the excitement of sensitive and emotional mind, in other words joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure into words.
香りを自分の言葉にしよう。Make fragrance into own words.

イ.眼前の光景を素直に、感覚や感情の心で楽しむ。Enjoy the sight before eyes obediently, by sensitive and emotional mind.
And make the spectacle and excitement into words.
It is necessary to do both at the same time.
Few words float out from  memories.
すぐに書き留める。Write down the words immediately.

ウ.虚無を言葉にして取り込み、自分を強く豊かにする。Make nothingness into words to make myself stronger and richer.

エ.昔の、言葉にしそこなった感覚や感情の残渣を、香りの力でよみがえらせて、今、言葉に救い上げる。By power of fragrance, raise residues of the old sensations and emotions, missed converting into words long ago, now make them into words.

オ.身の回りで何かが変化する。Something is changing around us.感覚や感情の心は、周囲の変化を感知するたびに、得たか失ったかの損得を測り、判定している。Sensitive and emotional mind as often as feel change around it, measure and judge whether get or loose, pluses or losses.
If get, fear to lose, if lose, depressed.
Either way gets an affliction.

カ.食べたくても食べられない、見たくても見えない、触りたくても触れない、会いたくても会えない何かがある人は恵まれているのだ。The person who has something can't eat even want to eat, can't see even want to see, can't touch even want to touch, can't meet even want to meet, is blessed.
生きようとする力、つまり生きている実感が得られる。Can get
power to live that is feeling alive.
Myself, workings of the mind of words, is in future.
Myself is power to live, and was born in the future of aspirations.
Future is words of aspirations, arising from suffering and difficulties of current realities.
Myself is a force of willing to live, and is aspirations, purposes, goals made with words.
In the meantime, they raise pain and suffering because they are not realized yet in current realities.
現在の現実の苦痛や苦悩こそ、生きようとする力、生きている実感の源なのだ。Pain and suffering in current realities is a source of power to live and feeling of living.
A feeling of reality of living is a real pleasure for us, instead of comfort and ease.
人生は苦だという。Says life is the thing that gives us suffering.
It's the same say that life is a joy.

キ.みんな、この世に幸福の国、天国を作りたいと思って、生きている。Everybody lives with hopes  to make earthly heaven, the country of happiness.
the earthly heaven is sometimes misunderstand, doesn't last long, unable to follow like mirage.
Sometimes heaven was the place where passed on the way.
香りの天国は所詮、数十秒しか続かない。Heaven raised by fragrance lasts only tens of seconds after all.
think pleasure of sensitive mind is the heaven, such a heaven is vain illusion, to be bored and lost all feeling when become used to it.
drugs, the heaven gradually increases the amount and will become addiction.
物や場所としての天国は無い。There's no heaven as a place or thing.
Our wish to seek heaven is heaven.
Heaven is the words which made by myself, instead of things like flowers and fragrance.
受身で待つばかりの感覚や感情の心では、味わえないのだ。There is no heaven for sensitive and emotional mind, just waiting for passively.

ク.感覚の心は変化を感知している。Sensitive mind perceive the changes.
同じにおいが継続すると感じなくなるところがいい。It’s good for us that
the same scents continue, we have lost all the feeling.
tells the direction to make an effort for us if want to live as a human, by showing the limits and characteristics of the sensitive mind as an animal.

ケ.豪雨の中、雨具の小学生たちが下校する姿を見た。Saw rainwear elementary school children leaving school in torrential rain.
I suddenly feel young recalled.
Cold hand holding an umbrella.
長靴が歩きにくい。Uneasy to walk with boots.
Hungry tummy.
ant to arrive home quickly.
Mother makes snacks, brothers and sisters play with me are waiting at home.
Miss warm dry mat.
Home was a special place that would accept me.
Got job and entered the local factory dormitories.
How comfortable it is, it seemed not home.
家とは何なのだろう。What is home.
will be families waiting neither building nor rooms.
When family is gone, home is not home.
When children leave the nest, parents grow old and fly from the earth, there's no one, like a summer resort in winter, home disappears
Home means family.
The same can be said for home town.
When I think about a housing where I was born, indescribable sweet, wistful mood is raised.
One day I visited after 30 years.
The housing was rebuilt, but preschool and elementary school, junior high school and street to school, park we played was there.
But no emotion as I thought.
心で思っていた故郷と、実際に見ている光景は次元の違うものだったのだ。Hometown that I see actually and hometown in my mind are in a different dimensions.
Hometown is words produced by my mind of words, in other word past of memories.
Actual sight is current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
They are entirely in the different dimensions.
「ふるさとは遠きにありて思ふもの 室生犀星」とはそういうことだ。Hometown is the thing that should be thought about from distant place. Saisei Mur? ", means just that.
The fragrant wood “ Ran-ja-tai” is a heartthrob for people who love Kou.
But burnt actually, longing will wither.
憧れの対象は、蘭奢待という言葉だったのだ。A target of
longing for is the word ”Ran-ja-tai”.
感覚の心で香りを聞くことは、違う次元で生じる違う現象なのだ。Longing for by mind of words and hear fragrance by sensitive mind are different phenomena occur in different dimensions each other.
どちらが本当の自分にとっての本当の香りなのだろう。Which is real fragrance for real myself?

2)感覚や感情の心の興奮を言葉にする。Convert excitement of sensitive and emotional mind into words.

a.    母と山の湖に行った。Went with my mother mountain lakes.
Were sitting on the bench, looking at spreads ripples the surface of the lake and surrounding mountains.
未だ冷たい早春の風に乗って鶯の声が響いている。Still on the cold spring wind, resounding singing voice of a bush warble.
湖の岸に人影が在った。Shadow of a person was on the shore of the lake.
一人で、じっと動かずに、湖を見ている。Alone, motionless, looking at the lake.
言葉の心が働いているのだろう。I thought his
mind of words is working.
突然近くから、笑い声が聞こえた。Suddenly I heard laughter coming from the close.
3人連れが柵に駆け寄って、きれいとか気持ちがいいと声を交わしていた。A party of three ran to the fence and cried each other“beautiful, feel good”.
感覚や感情の心が働いているのだろう。I thought their sensitive and emotional
mind is working.
Ask the word beyond" beautiful " and "feels good".
それが香心門の目的だ。It is the purpose of Kou-Shin-Mon.
myself, workings of mind of words, the most important thing is words.
It's important to convert fragrance into words by mind of words and wear, not finish only hear the smell by sensitive and emotional mind.

b.    香心門の訓練の基本は、香りを言葉にすることだ。Basic training method of Kou-Shin-Mon is to convert fragrance into words.
Fragrance only excites sensitive and emotional mind, disappears after hearing.
fragrance converted into words leaves with myself.
言葉にすれば、生涯所有することができる。If convert fragrance into words, can posses fragrance all of life.
be shared together with person absent then and there.
Excitement of sensitive and emotional mind is nothingness.
感覚や感情の心のぬかるみの道から香心門をくぐれば、その先は言葉の石畳だ。Pass from muddy road of sensitive and emotional mind to Kou-Shin-Mon’s gate, ahead is a stone pavement of words.

c.    感覚や感情の心は、差異だけを見ている。Sensitive and emotional mind is watching differ only.
Can’t see differences only.
evaluate only  with relative ratings.
Can not evaluate with absolute ratings.
Arising from it is impulses of competition, discrimination and possession.
香りについても、感覚や感情の心は、競争や差別、所有の観点に囚われてしまう。To say about fragrance,
sensitive and emotional mind stick to a point of view of competition, discrimination and possession.
It's pluses of superiority or inferiority, etc.
動物としての心である感覚や感情の心の働きだ。It's workings of sensitive and emotional mind as animal mind.
Kou-Shin-Mon, want to accept fragrance by mind of words.
Want to demonstrate human nature to convert fragrance into own words.
Accept words converted from fragrant.
香りを感覚や感情の心に留めないで、言葉の心へ送って鑑賞する、ということだ。Does not stop fragrance in sensitive and emotional mind, but sends to mind of words and appreciate.

d.    言葉の心のために香を聞きたい。Want to listen fragrance for mind of words.それなら、本香を聞こう。Then listen basic fragrance.
香りを言葉にしよう。Try to convert
flagrant into words.
Try to warp to real world that is past of memories and future of aspirations created by mind of words, from fake world that is current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind.
感覚や感情の心の夢を振り払い、言葉の心の働きである自分を目覚めさせよう。Shake off the dream of sensitive and emotional mind, and wake up myself, workings of the mind of the words.

e.    香りを言葉にする。Convert flagrance into words.
何度も香を体験し、仮想の火、仮想の道具、仮想の香木で、仮想の薫香ができるようにする。Experience Kou many times, become able to raise virtual flagrance with virtual
fire, virtual instruments, and virtual fragrant wood.
本香を焚くには香木も香道具も要らない。To raise basic fragrance needs neither real fire, real instruments, nor real fragrant wood.
仮想つまり言葉の香道具、香木、薫香でよい。It’s enough with virtual fire, virtual instruments, and virtual fragrant wood.
言葉の心を働かせればよい。It’s enough with workings of mind of words.
香りを言葉にすれば、感覚や感情の心が言葉の心になる。Convert flagrance into words, sensitive and emotional mind change to mind of words.
本当の香り、本当の世界が現れる。Real flagrance, real world emerge.

f.    香りの中に自分を探す。Seek myself in flagrance.
自分を見つける。Find myself.
心を体から聞き分ける。Listen flagrance and separate mind from body.
感覚や感情の心と言葉の心を聞き分ける。Listen flagrance to recognize difference between sensitive and emotional mind, and mind of words.
Listen flagrant to recognize difference between myself, workings of mind of words, and nothingness.

g.    体のDNAと自分は違う。Myself is different from bodily DNA.
自分は言葉の心の働きで、自分の祖先は体のDNAではなく言葉のDNAであることを知る。Know myself is  workings of mind of words, so my ancestors are not bodily DNA but verbal DNA.
Know myself is not body.
From the viewpoint of bodily DNA and body itself, myself is tool of body, but from the viewpoint of myself, workings of mind of words, body is tool of myself.
自分は体の道具ではない。Myself is not tool of body.
体に支配されない自分を作る。Make myself, not controlled by body.

Myself is not sensitive mind.
癒しつまり快楽や安楽に酔わされない自分を作る。Make myself that is not intoxicating in own healing as comfort and ease.
Myself is not emotional mind.
損得に酔わされない自分を作る。Make myself that is not intoxicating in own profit and loss.

h.    望みを、目的を表す言葉にしよう。Try to convert wish into words mean purpose.
言葉で目的から目標を作ろう。Make a goal from the purpose with words.

3)先人の言葉を鑑賞する。To appreciate the words of our ancestors.

a.    香りは聞くと言う。In Kou-Shin-Mon, we use the word listen or hear for feeling fragrance.
動物のように感覚や感情の心で嗅ぐだけでなく、言葉で聞いたり、話したり、考えたりしなさいということだ。Not only
sniff by sensitive and emotional mind like animals, but also  hear, speak and think with words.
It's the saying not only for smell, but also for all senses.

b.    詩歌に親しむ。Familiar with the poetry.
Memorized poetry and make spiritual nourishment of mind of words.
心に忍び込んで、その心になる。Crept into mind and become the part of it.
Poetry is verbal DNA.
Library is sea of verbal DNA.
先人の言葉のすべてが言葉のDNAの海だ。All words
predecessor left are sea of verbal DNA.

c.    感覚の心が外界の刺激を受信して、感覚という信号を作り発信する。Sensitive mind receives a stimulus from outside and makes a signal of sensations and sends it.
Emotional mind receives signal of sensations and makes emotions and sends it.
Mind of words receives a signal of emotion and makes a signal as words.

d.    子供の頃、剣の達人にあこがれた。When I was a child, hankered to master of the sword.
Master said to disciples "Look with mind's eye". I could not understand meaning but felt cool.
I think in hindsight, master wants to tell disciples to follow mind of words instead of sensitive and emotional mind not to be puzzled.
ガリレオが法王庁に地動説を否定されて、「それでも地球は回っている」と言ったという話を聞いて、その時は、教会の主張は迷信で、ガリレオつまり自然科学の方が正しいのだと思った。Galileo was denied by the Vatican the story of Copernican theory, but he said “But still earth is revolving". When I heard it I thought at the time the Vatican’s claims was a superstition and Galileo's claim in other words natural science’s claim was right.今は、教会が用いた
Think now that system of words of the Vatican and Galileo both exists separately in different dimension and not only one.
Then and now, when everyone is in sensitive and emotional mind in other words normal state, have accepted current realities that world is flat and solar and lunar are turning in the sky.

o not feel that the earth is a sphere and whirling.そんなことを言っても誰も受け入れてくれない。Even say so everyone does not accept.
地動説は感覚や感情の心では受け入れられないものだ。The Copernican theory con not be  accepted by people in sensitive and emotional mind.
世界は言葉の心が、言葉で生みだすものなのだ。World is something which mind of words creates with words.
Galileo made Copernican theory only as a system of words by mind of words, but had to feel that heaven is running, same as everyone, while he was in sensitive and emotional mind.
どちらが正しいかということでなく、用いている心が違うということだ。Question is not a judgment which is right, but the mind being used is different.
Current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind are generally same for everyone. But words created by mind of words are multifarious one by one.
Galileo made the new system of words.そしてその言葉の体系は、当時は他者に共有されなかったが、その後共有されるようになった。And the system of words was not shared to others at that time, but later became to be shared.
ガリレオの言葉の体系が共有されると、世界もガリレオが言っている通りに変わった。After Galileo’s system of words shared, world changed as Galileo’s saying.
That's the world is system of words.
言葉の体系が変われば世界も変わるということだ。If  system of words changes, world changes together.
see outside by mind of words, is to create world with words.世界を変えることだ。It means changing world.

e.    先人の言葉を鑑賞し、言葉の心を磨く。Appreciate the words of our ancestors and polish our mind of words.救いを求める。Seek salvation.
香りはその環境作りの小道具に過ぎない。Fragrance is nothing but props create a environment.
香木の香りを越えて、先人の残した言葉の香りを鑑賞する。Appreciate the words which our predecessors left, beyond fragrance from fragrant wood.

f.    先人の文章を鑑賞し、自分の言葉の心を育てる糧にする。Appreciate the writings of our ancestors, to make them  sustenance to train our mind of words.
Appreciate the writings of our ancestors, and reproduce their sensitive mind into myself.
先人の文章を鑑賞し、その感情の心を、自身の中に再現する。Appreciate the writings of our ancestors, and reproduce their emotional mind into myself.
先人の文章を鑑賞し、その言葉の心を、自身の中に再現する。Appreciate the writings of our ancestors, and reproduce their mind of words into myself.例。Examples.
"One flower blooms also new year blooms, too." Santouka.
Reproduce the Santoka’s sensitive mind into myself.
花が数輪咲いている庭を見ている。Watching the garden number of wheels are in bloom.
Dazzling brightness of the flower.
Reproduce the Santoka’s emotional mind into myself.山頭火はその年に亡くなった。Santoka died that year.
I wonder if was a premonition of death.
What was the physical condition?
まったく気にしていないようだ。He seems to be anxious not at all.
Reproduce the Santoka’s mind of words into myself.
くよくよしないで、花の美しさに明るい気持ちになっている。Feels bright to see beauty of flowers. without fret.
So, try to remake into own words.
Burn fragrant wood, scent fragrance of new year."

(6)香りの受け止め方による分類。Classification based on how to receive fragrance.

@    主体的に生きるための香り。Fragrance for independent living.

1)        感覚や感情の心から言葉の心に切り替える。Switch sensitive and emotional mind to mind of words.
感覚や感情を言葉にする。Convert sensations and emotions into words.
Myself, workings of mind of words, is saved from an impulse come from sensitive and emotional mind.
心の平安つまり救いを得る。Get the peace of mind of words in other word salvation.

a.    心の平安を得るために、俗世間との交わりから離れたり、人里離れた場所に引っ越したり、観光地や趣味に遊んだりする。To get peace of mind leaving own fellowship with the madding crowd, move house to secluded place and playing tourist or hobby.
These are healing for sensitive and emotional mind but not salvation for myself, workings of mind of words.
Myrself is workings of mind of words. So peace of myself should be built with words.

b.    真実とか本当の自分について考える。Think about truth or real myself.
What is the truth or real myself?
主人公は言葉の心の働きだから、真実とか本当の自分も言葉なのだろう。The protagonist makes such question is workings of mind of words, so truth or real myself should be words, too.
Think that myself is only one and absolute centerpiece.
それは、言葉の心の働きである自分が、世界を自身の言葉の体系で作っているからそう思えるのだ。The reason why I imagine so is, myself, workings of mind of words, is making world as system of words .of  my own
感覚や感情の心には言葉がないから、自分が無い。There is no
myself in sensitive and emotional mind because it has no word.
思考も無い。No thinking object.
No individual and absolute object.
There is only excitement and stimulation of outside world only just then.
感覚や感情の心には自分が無い。Sensitive and emotional mind do not have myself.
Inspired from the outside world and just respond it  and excited.
刺激に反応して興奮する。Excited, responds to stimulus.
the stimulation reflected on the outside world as bogus truth or myself.

c.    疎外感。Alienation.
Despite myself, world and time are made by myself in words, have an illusion that myself, world and time are something of the outside world reflected by sensitive and emotional mind in other words  current reality.
myself detached from myself, world and time, and being abandoned and at odds.
Have an illusion that myself is sensitive and emotional mind.
Have an illusion that myself is tossed by current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, in spite of past of memories and future of aspirations created by myself in words.

d.    感覚や感情の心に、気分をスッキリさせたいという衝動が湧いて、言葉の心にコーヒーを飲むという言葉が生じる。In sensitive and emotional mind, the impulse as want mood refreshing springs, and then words “drink coffee” raised in mind of words.
生きようとする意欲が、コーヒーを飲むという言葉を、コーヒーを飲もうという目的に高める。A will to live enhance the words to purpose like “drink coffee ” to “ let’s drink coffee”.
Pour hot water on the roasted and crushed coffee beans.
香りが立つ。Aroma rises.カップに移す。Move to the cup.深い色、水面の渦、写った光の反射、指や唇に触れるカップや皿の感じ。Deep color, vortex of surface, light taken reflections, the feel of cups and dishes with finger and rip.鼻で香りを吸い込みながら、
Sipping bitter in the mouth and breathing aromas in the nose.
香りが、口から鼻への裏道を抜けていく。Scent passes a byway from the mouth to the nose.
Daily workings of mind stops and disappears in sensitive and emotional mind.
Kou-Shin-Mon makes mind of words combine the essence of fragrance to words and makes past of memories and future of aspirations.

e.    体が眠ると、感覚や感情の心も眠り、言葉の心が夢を創り始めるWhen body sleeps, then sensitive and emotional mind sleeps, too. And mind of words begin to create dreams.
その時こそ、言葉の心の働きである自分にとって、夢が本当の世界つまりこの世で、外界が虚無つまりあの世なのだと理解できる。At that time myself,
workings of mind of words, can realize that the dream is real world in other words this world, and external world is nothingness in other words that world.
感覚や感情の心が働いている間、言葉の心の働きである自分は、それらに乗っ取られている。While sensitive and emotional mind works mind of words is
taken over by them.
本当の自分である言葉の心は消えている。Mind of words, real myself, disappears.
感覚や感情の心が受信する刺激が本当の世界のように錯覚する。Have an illusion that a stimulus received by sensitive and emotional mind is real world
Mind of words appears dare to switch workings of mind.
In daytime, mind of words awakes, but sensitive and emotional mind is superior, so real myself, workings of mind of words, has an illusion as if lives this world in other words current realities.
このように、自分は、感覚や感情の心と言葉の心、この世とあの世を行ったり来たりしている。Thus myself
comes and goes between sensitive and emotional mind and minds of words, this world and that world.

f.    世界について考えるなら、その世界の主人公について考えることが大切だ。If think about world, it’important to think about a hero of the world.
Each person has each different world.
Even about same person, not only fake world reflected by sensitive mind emotional mind, but also real world created by mind of words.
Myself is workings of mind of words, so real world for myself is the world created by mind of words.

g.    香りの正体。微粒子や分子が空気とともに鼻から入って、嗅覚細胞で電気信号に変わって神経回路を伝わり、脳に作用する。True character of fragrance Molecules and particles enter nose along with the air changed into electrical signals in the olfactory receptor cells transmit neural circuits, affects brain.
その信号は、脳内の各部位で、感覚、感情、言葉の順に変換される。The signal converted into sensations, emotions and words, in each part of brain.
言葉の心の中心にいる。Myself is in the center of mind of words.
yself, workings of mind of words, is signal of words.
自分が住んでいる世界や時間も、言葉という信号だ。So world, time where myself lives is signal of words, too.
To convert fragrance into signal order of senses, emotions, words.
It's a way of Kou-Shin-Mon.

h.    自分のための香。Kou for myself.
香を点てて、その時々の感覚や感情を言葉にする。Raising fragrance, put sensations and emotions of occasion into words,
香りも感覚や感情も残らない。Neither fragrance nor
sensations and emotions  leaves.
Disappears at all.しかし言葉にした香りは身につく。But fragrance converted into words becomes a part of myself.
言葉が自分の来し方、行く末の道を示してくれる。Words show myself the pass to past and future.
It's a way of Kou-Shin-Mon.

i.    香りを言葉にして、体や時空の障壁を越えて、他者に渡す。Convert fragrance into words and hand words to others go over wall of body, space and time.
It's a way of Kou-Shin-Mon.
香りは、現在の現実のこの世界つまり虚無の象徴だ。Fragrance is the symbol of current realities in other words nothingness.
自分で作る言葉の世界は、記憶の過去や願望の未来となって身に着く、自分にとっての本当の世界なのだ。World of words made by myself is real world for myself and becomes a part of myself as past of memories and future of aspirations.

j.    見えない香りを、言葉にして見えるようにする。Convert invisible fragrance into visible words.
We once convert everything into information in brain and then see the information.
その情報を言葉に変えて、言葉の心の働きである自分が認識して、他人に伝えている。Convert the information into words and myself, workings of mind of words, recognizes, then passes to others. 
それを香りの働きで追体験する。Experience it again with workings of incense.
It's a way of Kou-Shin-Mon.

k.    感覚や感情の心による支配から逃れられない自分の在り方を知る。Know a nature of myself that can't be free from rule by sensitive and emotional mind.
Control workings of sensitive and emotional mind even a little.
It's a way of Kou-Shin-Mon.
Sensitive and emotional mind is basic workings of brain of animal, and humans are animals, so that can't be erased.
However, humans have mind of words to control sensitive and emotional mind.
Because mind of words is born premature, if not strive to raise can't counter sensitive and emotional mind.
Pleasure once tasted engraved on sensitive and emotional mind, cannot erase by myself, workings of mind of words.
もっと強い快楽で上書きして、一時忘れることしかできない。Only draw over the stronger pleasures and forget about temporary.

l.    外国からの留学生を集めて、「日本人が日常、簡単に謝るのをどう思うか」という座談会をやっていた。Attracting students from abroad, was doing a symposium called "Japanese apologize easily everyday, what do you think?"
一人ひとり別々の世界にいて、別々の心を持っている。Everyone lives in single world and have different mind.
Sensitive and emotional mind is a heart to discover the difference and excites and attacks.
Gimmicks calm such excitement and stops to attack, are necessary for social life.
狼は仲間で闘争をしても、一方が降参すれば攻撃が止まる。When wolf struggles with companion, even while one gives up attack stops.
謝られると感情の心が言葉の心に切り替えられてしまう。When be
apologized, emotional mind is switched to mind of words.
Apologizing is high psychological techniques to switch other’s sensitive and emotional mind to mind of words.

m.    香りは、脳の働きを切り替えるスウィッチだ。Fragrance is a switch to change workings of brain.
Fragrance is a boat from the shore of sensitive and emotional mind to the shore of mind of words.

n.    五感から生じる感覚の心と、感覚に刺激されて生じる感情の心と、感覚や感情の心を制御しようとする言葉の心が、それぞれ別々に働いている。Sensitive mind arisen from five senses, emotional mind arisen by stimulus from sensitive mind, and mind of words want to attempt to control the sensitive and emotional mind, and they are working one by one.
To convert excitement of sensitive and emotional mind into words, can switch to minds of words that can think coolly.

o.    感覚や感情の心に映る現在の現実とは別に、言葉の心が言葉で作る記憶の過去や願望の未来がある。Not only current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, but also past of memories and future of aspirations created by mind of words.
自分を、現在の現実から引き離し、記憶の過去や願望の未来に連れて行く。Separate myself from current realities and bring to
past of memories and future of aspirations.
It's a way of Kou-Shin-Mon.

p.    朝食のサンドウィッチを作り、切り分ける。Make sandwich for breakfast and carve.
三等分するのと、二等分するのと、どちらが難しいのだろう。To divide equally into three parts
and two parts, which is more difficult? 
二等分するのは、左右を見比べながら、感覚や感情の心でできる。To divide equally into
two parts is able to do by sensitive and emotional mind while comparing the left and right.しかし、
三等分となると、見えない物差しを自分で作って、それを利用しなければならない。But in case of dividing equally into three parts
, should make invisible scale by myself and use it.
That scale is word.
言葉の力が未熟な幼児には、三等分は難しい。For chil whose ability of mind of words unskilled;, it’s
difficult to divide equally into three parts.
It's same thing that to think about past of memories and future of aspirations.
二つの香りが在る。There are two kinds of fragrance.感覚や感情の心では、同じか違うかが問題になる。In sensitive and emotional mind, “Is it equal or not” is an issue.
In mind of words, “How equal or How different” is an issue.

q.    神とは。What is God.
この体や、感覚や感情の心についての神は、父母や祖父母、無数の祖先たち、もちろん原人だったり、猿人だったり、原始哺乳類だったり、爬虫類、魚類、ナメクジウオ、微生物のすべてだ。God for this body and sensitive and emotional mind is
parents, grandparents, countless ancestors, homo erectus of course, pithecanthropus, primitive mammals, reptiles, fishes, Amphioxus, micro-organisms all of them.
この体を生み出してくれた神だ。They are God who created this body.
私も、子孫にとっての神だ。I am also God for offspring.
私がどんなにいい加減に、自分勝手に生きても、子孫たちは、その結果生まれるのだ。I live no matter how irresponsible, selfish, descendants will be born as a result.
his means that bodily DNA is God for body and sensitive and emotional mind.
しかし、本当の自分は、言葉の心の働きだ。But real myself is workings of mind of words.
For such myself God is the sea of verbal DNA, source of words flowed into myself.
Is sea of words accumulated together with history of mankind.体のDNAも、
bodily DNA nor verbal DNA, isn't something specific fixed.
Is something continued being and changing,
. God continue to be now.

r.    この体にとっての神は、人類70億人の体に広がる体のDNAの海だ。God for this body is the sea of bodily DNA, spreads in each one of 7 billion bodies of humanity.
This sea created this body.
にとっての神は、体の形の違いや世代交代にもかかわらず一つにつながっている言葉のDNAの海のことだ。For this body, God is sea of bodily DNA which continue in a one straight line despite the differences between each body and a repeat of born and death.
しかし、間違いに気付く。But find a mistake.
Myself who thinks so is workings of mind of words, not a body or sensitive and emotional mind.
Myself, workings of mind of words, is made with words, so that my real ancestors are people who gave me words.
しかしそれでは分かりにくいので、この体と体のDNAのパイプ役である父母や祖父母、その前の人々を、自分の祖先だと思うのだ。But so, it’s difficult to understand, that we imagine as if our
parents, grandparents who are a go-between of this body and bodily DNA, are ancestors of myself.
遺伝子操作が進めば、体には祖先は無くなり、体は、石器や機械のような道具になる。If gene manipulation advance, body loses ancestors and body becomes tools such as stone implements and machinery.
それは、良くも悪くも、言葉の心の働きである自分が、体の支配から自由になることでもある。It is that myself, workings of mind of words, become free from rule by body, beyond good and evil.

s.    神のような不滅の存在と自分が一体だと思うと、救われる気がする。Think myself is united with immortal being like God, feel being saved.
救われるためには、神とは自分の何なのかを知る必要がある。To be saved
need to know what is  God for myself.
巣は小鳥ではなく、果実も果樹ではないように、体は自分ではない。Like nest isn’t
bird, fruit isn’t tree, body isn’t myself,
is a fruit born by mind, especially mind of words.
体が生まれると同時に自分も誕生したと思っている。Think myself was born at the same time body was born.
生まれながらに体とともにある心は、感覚や感情の心だ。The mind 
born with body is sensitive and emotional mind.
Myself is a tide pools of verbal DNA flowed from the sea of verbal DNA ,in the growth process of myself.
Myself is  workings of mind grows after being born.
神とは自分を生み出した何かに対する呼び名だ。God is an alias for something bears myself.
体にとっての神、つまり感覚や感情の心にとっての神は、祖先つまり体のDNAの海のことだ。God for body in other words God for sensitive and emotional mind is ancestors is sea of bodily DNA.
言葉の心の働きである自分にとっての神は、言葉のDNAの海のことだ。God for myself, workings of mind of words, is sea of verbal DNA.
Think myself as body, can see countless accidental and inevitable efforts and activities of ancestors created this body.
Huge accumulation of chance or inevitability, effort and whims by countless individuals, seems to be the existence beyond human knowledge in other words God.
自分は言葉の心の働きで、言葉のDNAが流れ込んで出来た潮溜まりだ。Myself, workings of mind of words, is a tidal pool born with inflow of verbal DNA.
There is no individuality in brick but building has it.
言葉には個性はないが、言葉の潮溜まりである自分には個性が在る。There is no individuality in word but myself, the tidal pool of words, has individuality.
Real myself is a tidal pool of words built in one generation.
Myself, workings of mind of words, has no ancestors or God, not so as body.

t.    許しと救い。Forgiveness and salvation.
There are perpetrator and victim.
Both are suffering.
Both sides knows that to make peace is salvation for each other.
he perpetrator has no freedom to reconcile.
If settlement is a salvation, no salvation led by perpetrator
被害者が加害者を許すことが救いへの道ということになる。Forgiveness by
victim for perpetrator makes a road to salvation.
Can be reconciled or not is up to the victim’s mind.
Victim holds the fate of perpetrators.
In this sense, victim is God for perpetrator,
Forgive perpetrator victim will be saved.
同様に、加害者を許さないと、被害者は救われないことになる。In the same way, not forgive perpetrator victim will not be saved.許すかどうかは被害者の心次第だ。Allow or not is up to the victim’s mind.
In the sense that " fate of victim is hold by its mind ", God for victim is victim's mind itself.
How is perpetrator saved?
自力では永久に救われないのだ。It's not saved permanently by itself.
被害者に許されても加害者は救われないのだ。Perpetrator is not saved  even if victim allowed.
永久に反省なのだ。Perpetrator regrets forever.
Maybe the actions for healing to relieve the pain is charity.
自分で自分に癒しを与えても慈善にはならない。It is not
charity to give healing to myself.
何をしても、相手から感謝されなければ慈善にはならない。It is not
charity to do anything if not be appreciated by opponent.
癒しを受けて感謝してくれる他者がいなければ慈善にはならないEven do anything, it’s not charity if nobody accepts and appreciates the healing.
In this sense, others who accept and appreciate healing is God for perpetrator.
感覚や感情の心は癒しを得れば、一時満たされる。Sensitive and emotional mind is satisfied for a while to get healing.
言葉の心は、癒しでは満たせない。Mind of words can not be satisfied with healing.
Look for salvation not healing.その結果、自分を許してくれる、自分の慈善を受け入れてくれる仮想の被害者を求めてしまう。As a result , look for virtual victims who accept our charity, forgive us.
virtual victim is God.

u.    香りのなぞなぞ。Riddle about fragrance.
見えないけれど在るもの。Can not see but there is.
分けても減らないもの。Even be divided, not get fewer.
Riddle about word.
見えないものを見えるようにする。Make something invisible visible.
聞こえない音を聞こえるようにする。Make sound unlistenable listenable.
嗅げない香りを嗅げるようにする。Make fragrant insensible sensible.
触れないものを触れるようにする。Make something untouchable touchable.
味わえないものを味わえるにする。Make something untastable tastable.
消えてしまうものを消えないようにする。Make something can not be left can be left.
分けられないものを分けられるようにする。Make something can not be divided can be divided.
無いものを在るようにする。Make nothingness words.

v.    ヒトだけが、感覚や感情の心に映った現在の現実を言葉に作り変えて、記憶の過去や願望の未来を作り出すことができる。Only human can remake current reality reflected by sensitive and emotional mind into words, and creates past of memories and future of aspirations.
動物とヒト、ヒトとヒトの競争の勝敗は言葉の心の力で決まる。The struggle for existence between animal and human, human and human, winner of the race is determined by the force of mind of words.
Kou-Shin-Mon trains ability to convert fragrance into words.
感覚や感情の心に映った現在の現実を言葉にして記憶の過去や願望の未来に作り変えることは、観察や思考をする言葉の心の力を伸ばす訓練だ。To convert current realities, reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, into words and creates past of memories and future of aspirations, made by mind of words, is a training for raising power for observation and thinking of mind of words..

w.    遊びには二種ある。There are two kinds of play.
"play" and "be played".
"be played " is playing in external environment as something, someone, some place.
遊びは、誰がやっても同じだ。"be played" playing is same for everybody .
感覚や感情の心としての体が、外界つまり現在の現実で遊んでいるのだ。Body, as sensitive and emotional mind is playing
in external environment in other words current reality.
Such a playing is nothingness for myself, workings of words.
Real playground for myself, workings of mind of words, is past of memories and future of aspirations made with words.

x.    感覚や感情の心は外に向かって開いている。Sensitive and emotional mind is open towards the outside.
内側は鏡が外界を写すだけで中身が無いように、空洞なのだ。Inside is cavity as mirror reflects outside only, and has no interior.

y.    感覚や感情の心が求める癒しでは、自分は救われないことに気がつこう。Notice that healings which sensitive and emotional mind look for, can not save myself.
癒しから自由になり、言葉の心が求める救いを目指そう。To be free from healing, and aim at salvation which mind of words looks for.
To be free from current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, and aim at past of memories and future of aspirations created by  mind of words.
To be free from pain and suffering reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, and aim at salvation which mind of words looks for.

2)        言葉の心の働きである自分を成長させるための香り。Fragrance for growing myself, workings of mind of words.

a.    言葉は心の拠り所として、この世で一番大切なものだWord is the most important thing in this world as refuge for mind.
この世界は、言葉の心の働きである自分が、言葉で作っている。This world is created by myself, workings of mind of words, with words
Word is the central pillar supporting structure of this world.
Word is foundation that produce and support this world.
foundation of mind with sensations, emotions or borrowed words just to suit the occasion, someday real myself, world, time that is past and future will be collapsed and lost.
自殺や引きこもりの原因は、言葉の心の働きである自分が、感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実に閉じ込められてしまい、過去や未来を作れなくなるからだ。The origin
of suicide or withdrawal is that, myself, workings of sensitive and emotional mind, is trapped in current realities, and looses the way to create past and future. 
偽の世界であるみんなの世界に閉じ込められてしまい、本当の自分が本当の世界を作れないからだ。Fake myself is trapped in fake world as world of everybody, and real myself looses the way to create real world.
現在の現実に生じている苦難から逃げるのをやめて、現在の現実からいったん距離を置いて、現在の現実に生じている苦難を言葉にする。Stop fleeing from suffering raises in current realities, and once distance from current realities, and convert suffering raises in current realities into words.
Create words means future of aspirations, and make targets from future of aspirations, and then challenge again sufferings in current realities.
Build, myself, world, time with words.心の基盤を、外界、つまり感覚や感情の心の快不快や喜怒哀楽のような現在の現実に求めると、必ず壊れる。Ask a base of mind in external world that is current reality like pleasant or unpleasant, joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure raised by sensitive and emotional mind must be broken.
Ending is the collapse of own world,
Refuge unfazed base of mind should be made in myself by minds of words with words.
Real peace obtained in this mind of words.
What counts is not pleasure and emotion but peace of mind.
What counts is not excitement in sensitive and emotional mind but reassuring of mind of words.
How do we have words reassuring myself?
To begin with, is it possible?
Raise mind of words for that.安心を持っているように見える人には引力があって、弱い心は惹きつけられてしまう。People who seems to have a peace of mind have an attraction, so people who have weak hearts are enchanted.
As if insects gravitate toward light.
It's a cult.
虫にされないためにも、自分の安心を作ろう。Prevent making myself insect make own peace of mind.
It is purpose of Kou-Shin-Mon.

b.    朝起きると、ニュースが欲しくなる。Wake up in the morning, I want to have news.
It's one day to be worthless.
News are astir and vanish like ripple of surface of river.
Is myself same as this ripple?
自分を流されてはいけない。Not be flown myself.
心の川の岸辺に立って、言葉の心で自身を観察し、操縦すればいいのだ。Become a good pilot, observe myself by mind of words standing on the banks of the river of mind.

c.    形見について考えた。Thought about memento.
他者のために残す形見と、自分のために残す形見がある。There is
memento to leave for others and for myself.
What counts is a keepsake left for myself.
死すべき自分が残したいものは、自分だ。What mortal myself wants to leave is myself.
Body, mind, things and words.
What is the essence of myself and suitable for memento.
My identity is not body but mind, especially workings of mind of words.
So word is good for memento.
Words jump out from body and mind like butterflies break chrysalis shell.
この物語の主役は蝶つまり言葉だ。Protagonist of this story is butterfly that is words.
生きる過程で発信してきたすべての言葉が、自分の形見だ。All words
have been broadcasting on the way to live are relics of myself.

d.    人は香木のように生きるのがいい。People should live as an aromatic tree.
樹脂を分泌し蓄える。Aromatic tree secretes and stores resin by sufferings of living, being old, illness and death.
Greater value as a fragrant wood to store more resin.
同様に、ヒトも言葉を蓄えるほど価値を増す。Similarly, human increases its worth to store more words.
日々の苦難から、言葉を分泌し蓄えること。To secrete and store words by daily sufferings.
It is a purpose of Kou-Shin-Mon.

e.    言葉の世界で楽しく遊ぶには、心の中に、豊かな言葉の遊具がなければならない。To play in world of word must have toys made with rich words in mind.言葉の世界は、これまで生きてきた道筋で摘んだ花のレンガ、つまり記憶している言葉でできている。World of word is built with bricks of flowers picked up at course lived. That says world is built with bricks of words memorized.
Attests to have lived.
sufferings picked up at course lived, world of word becomes more rich.
豊かな言葉の世界を知れば、感覚や感情の心に映る現在の現実などどうでも良いと思うほどだ。Know about rich world of words, think current realities reflected in sensitive and emotional mind are worthless at all.
Going with ages, sunset comes the world reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, moon grows full, shadows made by mind of words grow deeper and longer.
香心門の出番だ。Kou-Shin-Mon's time to go on stage.
言葉の世界を育てるにはどうすればよいのだろう。How should I do to grow up mind of words.
The time when realize that myself is in different place from body and sensitive and emotional mind, is real birth of myself.
自分を感じて生きる自分の人生の始まりだ。It's the beginning of own life to live feeling real myself.
This is the beginning of fight between real myself, workings of mind of words, and fake myself, workings of sensitive and emotional mind.
加齢とともに、言葉の心の働きである自分が、感覚や感情の心より強くなって、孔子の言う「則を越えず」となっていく道だ。Is the course going with ages, myself, working of mind of words, becomes stronger than sensitive and emotional mind and becomes“ be moderateas Confucius said.
Is the course aimed at Kou-Shin-Non.

f.    香りには、見えている世界つまり現在の現実つまり動物としての心の呪縛から自分を解き放ち、視点を転じさせる力がある。Fragrance has power to unleash myself from visible world that is current realities, spell by fate of animals, and to change perspective
to paint fragrance a picture.
Can draw picture only smoke stand up incense burner.
Real fragrance can not draw picture.
Can draw only with words.
心から生じている、見えない信号だからだ。It is
invisible signals cause from mind.
香木と香りの関係は、体と自分の関係と同じだ。Relationship between fragrant wood and fragrance is same as relationship between body and myself.
Cannot capture fragrance without converting into words.
It's the way of Kou-Shin-Mon.

g.    論語に、「子は怪力乱神を語らず」とある。"a man of noble character does not talk about superhuman and something incredible" in the Analects of Confucius.
怪力乱神の存在を否定するものではなく、怪力乱神に頼らないという意味だ。This doesn’t
deny the existence of superhuman and something incredible but doesn’t rely on them.
"Stars in daytime are invisible, though invisible but exist. Can not see but maybe exist”. Misuzu Kaneko
怪力乱神とは何なのだろう。What are superhuman and something incredible.
The things myself cannot understand.
Understandable means convertible into words, and can operate data processing freely.
見たり聞いたりしても、言葉にしなければ、理解したことにならない。If see or hear something but do not convert into words, do not understand yet.
If can convert into words, become being able to operate data processing freely.
分かるというのは、言葉にできるという、とても狭い範囲のことだ。The word
understand points to a very narrow ranges where can convert into words.
言葉にできないということは、分からないということだ。Unable to convert into words means unable to
理解できないもの、それが虚無だ。The thing unable to understand, that is nothingness.
虚無の闇の中に、言葉の心の働きである自分という灯が燈っていて、言葉を受発信していて、言葉の光が届くほんの小さな空間がこの世、つまり自分の世界なのだ。In the dark of nothingness, light as myself,, workings of mind of words, eliminates and receives and sends words. This little tiny space where the light reaches is this world in other words the world of myself.

怪力乱神の存在を無視すれば、言葉の心の働きである自分が理解できる範囲が固定してしまい、広げることができなくなる。If ignore the
presence of superhuman and something incredible, range where myself can understand is fixed and can not spread.
動物はそのように生きているが、ヒトは虚無の存在を認め、言葉にして、自分の世界に取り込もうとする。Animals live so, but humans recognize the existence of nothingness and try to convert nothingness into words to incorporate to their world.
その結果、世界が広がる。As a result,
world of humans spreads.未知の現象に遭遇しても、現在のやり方が行き詰っても、前例がない、常識に合致しない、聞いたことがない、として未来つまり現在の現実の変化や挑戦を拒否してしまう人々を沢山見てきた。I saw many people deny to challenge and change, and escaped from future, though encountered unknown phenomena or lost way in current realities, by the reasons not unprecedented or inconsistent with common sense.
一方で、怪力乱神に頼って、言葉の心を放棄して、感覚や感情の心に眠り込んでしまう人々も見てきた。In other hand, I've seen people relied on superhuman and something incredible and abandoned mind of words, slept in sensitive and emotional mind.
Humans have greater reliance on visual.
次は聴覚だ。Next is hearing.
目や耳から得る情報を、信じ易いということだ。It's easy to believe  information from eye and ear.
Believe means to accept words not be assimilated enough.
Read a book.
Hear from others.
既製品の言葉が入ってくる。Ready-made words are coming.
Myself is workings of  mind of words so easily changed by words come in.
感覚や感情の刺激なら免疫が働くが、言葉になっていると、がん細胞のように免疫をすり抜けて、無批判に、無防備に自分の言葉として取り込んでしまう。In case of stimulations from sensitive and emotional mind, immunity system works. But in case of invasion of words slips through immunity system as cancer cells, and getting them uncritically and defenselessly  as own words.それが信じるということだ。That is to believe.
Fragrance is invisible, inaudible, but talking through nose.
虚無と世界の境界を思い起こさせてくれる。It makes
recall the boundary of nothingness and world.

h.    パソコンについて考えた。Thought about personal computers.
Software thinks, data is information received.
About mind, there are software and data, too.
Myself, workings of mind of words, is software, sensations and emotions are data.
言葉の心の働きを省略して、データをそのまま受け入れてしまうのが、信じるということだ。Omit software that is workings of mind of words and accept data as conclusions is believing.
感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実をそのまま信じるというのが動物としての心の在り方だ。Believing intact current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind is as animal mind.
Convert current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind into words then current realities change  to past of memories and future of aspirations.
In addition, become being able to look out over present and past and future, and become being able to compare each other. それが、ヒトとしての心の在り方だ。It is the way of human mind. 
色即是空とは、「感覚や感情の心が映し出す現在の現実を、見えるままに信じてはいけないよ」というメッセージだ。The words "Shiki-Soku-Ze-Kuu" means “Don’t believe current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind as it seems to be.

i.    香心門の目的は、香りを言葉にする訓練を通して、言葉の心の成長を促すことにある。The purpose of  Kou-Shin-Mon is to prompt mind of words to grow up with trainings to convert fragrance into words.
香りは嗅覚の働きだから、言葉の心の働きである自分を、見えない、聞こえない世界に導いてくれる。Because fragrance is a working of sense of smell so it lead myself to invisible and inaudible world.
見えない、聞こえない世界は、言葉にし難い。It’s difficult to convert
invisible and inaudible world into words.
香りを言葉にする体験を重ねていくうちに、言葉の心の働きである自分が育ち、言葉の世界、つまり記憶の過去や願望の未来も奥深くなる。As time go by, experience increase, myself, workings of mind of words, grows up, and world of words that is past of memories and future of aspirations become deeper.
he courage and energy to live will strengthen.

j.    香心門の目的は、感覚や感情の心で受けた体験を、言葉にする訓練だ。The purpose of Kou-Shin-Mon is to train to convert experiences which accepted by sensitive and emotional mind into words.
If we are wandering in current realities with sensitive and emotional mind, life will disappear like smoke as the story of Rip Van Winkle,
記憶の過去や願望の未来の言葉を積み重ねれば、いつ思い返しても充実した人生だったように思えるし、願望の未来の言葉つまり目的や目標をしっかり持って、前向きの人生を送れるようになる。If we increase words of past of memories and future of aspirations, we can see our fulfilling life of past and can have words firmly of our future of aspirations that is purposes and targets, and will be able to have
positive life.

k.    電車の中で、若者がスマホの画面に見入っているのを見た。Saw a young people gazing smart phone’s screen in the train.
画面を指でどんどんめくっている。Fast paging screen with his fingers.
計算機のことを思った。Thought about calculator.
Hit the numbers and answer numbers indicated immediately.
Questions and answers flow rapidly.
膨大な情報が、未熟な言葉、感覚や感情の心の刺激のまま通り過ぎていく。Large amounts of information is passing just as it is immature words or stimulations of sensitive and emotional mind.
Would have a sense of fulfillment and pleasure.しかしそのことに何の意味があるのだろう。But it means nothing in the matter.
  converting into own words, the scene changes and disappears.
only music and pictures but also letters and voices, without being converted into words, disappear as an instant sensations and excitements.
Form is word but is just excitements raised in sensitive and emotional mind.
言葉は、言葉の心で作られるのだ。Word is made by mind of words.

l.    母の家へ車で向かっている。Toward my mother's house by car.ほぼ20Km、40分かかる。Nearly 20 Km so takes 40 minutes.
20分走った頃、もう半分かなと思う。After running 20 minutes, I think half has pasted.
渋滞しがちな町外れの交差点を抜けると、距離は3分の一だが、時間では半分来たことになるとも思う。When have passed the cross just outside town, have come one third about distance but one half about time.
もう半分来たかなと思う。Think half has pasted.
自転車で行く時は、中間より手前に、辛い上り坂が3箇所ある。When go by bicycle, there are three spicy uphill slopes before the middle.
When passed over two slopes, think have come half.
燃費を気にする人なら、ガソリンの消費量で半分を決めるのだろう。In case of person who
worries about gas mileage, decide half in gasoline consumption.
What is the meaning of the middle accurately measured the distance.
Would be a measure for exchanging information human to human.
The same can be said about time.
What is the meaning of clock time measured with star navigation or quartz crystals molecular vibrations.
楽しければ短く、苦しければ長く、待ち望む時は遅く、怖れる時は早く感じるだろう。Would feel that if feel
fun, time pass quickly, and if feel suffering, time passes slowly. Wait for eagerly, time passes slowly, if fear the time passes quickly.
距離も時間も、一人ひとり、一匹一匹、違う物差しなのだろう。Both distance and time would be different measure of each person and each life.
Both world and distance and time are signals made by each person.

m.    教育は言葉の心を育てるものだ。Education is a nurture of mind of words.
One is to teach ready made words and another is to teach how to convert experiences of sensitive and emotional mind into words.
Compulsory education is the former and higher education would be the latter.
When received words, return them into sensations and emotions as before, and experience again, and remake own words, then the words will become own words.
Words Swallowed as given cannot be applied to changes and hardships encountered.
どうしたら感覚や感情の体験を言葉にして、記憶したり、思考出来るようになれるのだろう。How should we do to become able to covert sensitive and emotional experiences into words, and to remember and think about.
どうしたら沢山の言葉を記憶して、記憶の過去や願望の未来を豊かにして、見渡して、自由自在に思考できるようになれるのだろう。How should we do to become able to remember many words and fertile past of memories and future of aspirations and over look them widely and think freely.
どうしたら望ましい未来を作るために、創意工夫したり、勇気を奮い起こしたり、目的を生み出し掲げられるようになれるのだろう。How should we do to become able to make an original idea, gather courage, create and hold up a purpose.
Kou-Shin-Mon wants to grow such a mind of words.

n.    感覚の体験とともに記憶した言葉に出会うたびに、言葉という形でその時の感覚の体験がよみがえる。Whenever I come across words memorized with the sensory experience, sensory experiences revived in the form of words.
But does not arise sensations themselves as comfort or discomfort, pain or itching.
Mind is not scrambled.
Whenever I come across words memorized with excitement of emotional mind, emotional excitement revives in the form of words.
However, no emotional excitement arise.心は乱れない。Mind is not scrambled.
言葉の心に記憶されてよみがえるのは言葉なのだ。The thing which remembered and.
revived by mind of words is words.
Experiences of sensations and emotions print involuntary traces on subconscious mind.
Encounter the same situation overflow sensations and emotions as it is.
冷静であるべき言葉の心が乱れる。Mind of words that should be
calm disturbed.
Sensations and emotions printed on subconscious mind is disturbing mind and is useless and harmful.
しかし言葉にしてしまえば、心の混乱抜きで随意に思い出すことができる。But if converted into words, can remember without disturbing mind whenever we want.
冷静に観察や反省ができ、生きる上で有益な情報が得られる。Can observe and
reflect calmly, get useful information to live.

o.    趣味で集めた釣りの本を整理した。Organized fishing books collected for  hobby.
I noticed that the degree of attachment to the book varies in what part of brain the book stimulates.
順位は下記だった。Rank was below.
一番は、釣りの醍醐味についての随想だ。No.1 was essays about the thrill of fishing.
本来記憶できない感覚や感情の高揚を再体験させてくれる本だ。The books let me relive the exaltation of sensations and emotions that can not be remembered  originally.
Next was books about dishes of fish.
The books let me relive the tastes of dishes that can not be remembered  originally.
食べたい気持ち、つまり願望の未来を生み出させてくれる本だ。The books let me want to eat that is future of aspirations.
最後は魚の分類や道具や仕掛けについての知識の本だ。Last is the book of knowledge about fish taxonomy and tools and gimmicks.
感覚や感情の心は刺激されないが、本を持っているだけで知識が増える気がして言葉の心を満足させてくれる。They do not stimulate sensitive and emotional mind but give satisfaction to mind of words as if knowledge increase with having them.
私の正体は動物で、やはり、感覚や感情の心の興奮が好物なのだと分かる。I can see my true self is an animal, I like excitement in sensitive and emotional mind.ヒトとしての心への脱皮は容易ではないことが分かる。Understand that molt to the human mind may be not easy.

p.    今日、母とのドライブの帰り、途中で、三年前に心臓の手術をした北里大学病院の病室を、川の対岸から眺めることができた。Today, on the way home from a driving with mother, could see the ward of Kitasato University Hospital, had heart surgery three years before from the opposite bank of the river
Windows reflected sunlight and had a twinkle.
In the hospital, watched stream of Sagami river spread out window and Tanzawa massif lies beyond and background of west sky.
鳥や飛行機が、遠く小さく、ゆっくりと、横切って行った。Birds or plane passed across the sky slowly, small, distant.
Opposite side of river, I saw cars and people coming and going move slowly, small and far away on the road.
Felt looking at another time and space through dimension convert machine as river.
Body that is sensitive mind is resident of this world and myself that is workings of mind of words is resident of that world.感情の心は、この世とあの世の間を漂っているのだ。Emotional mind's drifting between this world and that world.自分が生じているのは言葉の心が働いている間だけだ。Myself appears just while mind of words works.
そして、そんな自分はあの世の住人だ。And such myself is a resident of that world.
つまりあの世とは、言葉の心に築いた言葉の世界のことだ。In other words,  that world means verbal world built in mind of words.
This world means pictures projected by sensitive and emotional mind.
感情の心はどっちつかず、中途半端に漂っているのだ。Emotional mind drifts
halfway into limbo.
That world means the world where we live when loose self-confidence of body and feel presence of body tenuously, for example hospitalized after surgery.

q.    「イカノボリ、昨日の空は、今いずこ」。与謝蕪村。”Kite is flying now, where is the sky of yesterday?" Yosa Buson.
昨日の空はどこへ行ったのだろう。Where has
the sky of yesterday gone?
昨日得た、感覚の刺激や感情の興奮はどこへ行ったのだろう。Where has
the excitements of sensations and emotions, raised yesterday gone?
昨日を、外界を流れ去った何か、つまり時間だと思うと、この句は理解できない。Can not understand the meaning of this Haiku, to think yesterday something passed away outside world like time
Yesterday means the sensory stimulations accepted by sensitive mind of Buson and emotional excitements accepted by emotional mind of Buson, the day before.
Light, sound and fragrance which fended off vaguely by sensitive mind, returns to original nothingness in a moment of shifting line of sight or concern.
one day it vanish into thin air.
言葉にして記憶に刻んだものは、今日も明日も来年も、蕪村の脳が働く限り蕪村の心の中に残っている。The things which
engraved in the memory with words, remains in Buson’s mind as long as his brain work, today tomorrow next year, too.
In addition, Buson becomes Haiku, and Haiku remains as letters and memories.
If Buson died some day but Buson revives as often as people read or remember Haiku.
誰かが読んだり聞いたりするたびに、蕪村は、ウイルスのように、そのヒトの脳に住み移り、よみがえることになる。As often as somebody read or hear
Haiku, Buson migrates to somebody’s brain like a virus and revives.

r.    車窓から、通り過ぎていく景色を眺めていて考えた。Thought as looking at passing views from car window.
山や電柱、町や家はどんどん流れて消えていく。Mountain, telephone poles, town, houses flows fast and fade away.
同じ方向に飛んでいる小鳥やトンボは静止している。Birds and dragonflies flying toward the same direction with train stand still.
確固たる存在だと信じていた山や空が消え去り、頼りない存在だと思っていた鳥やトンボがいつまでも在り続けた。Mountain and sky I believe stable unstable. birds and dragonflies I believe unstable stable.
確固たる存在だとか頼りない存在だというのは、対象物の性質のことではなく、自分と対象との関係のことだったのだ。Stable and unstable is not nature of object but relation between myself and object.
For leaf flowin the river, the river flows together is permanent world.
岸辺に固定されて、通り過ぎていく森や山や町は、虚無なのだ。For myself flown with the river, wood, mountain and town fixed the bank and goes past are nothingness.
本当の世界は自分と一緒に流されている。Real world is flown with myself.
Myself is workings of mind of words.いったん言葉にしてしまえば、森や山や町も自分の一部になって、永久に一緒に流されて行くのだ。Once convert them into words, forest, mountains and towns become part of myself and flown together permanently.
Myself is in such a world of words.
自分はそんな言葉の繭を紡いでいるのだ。Myself has spun such a cocoon of words.

s.    デイズニーの映画、不思議の国のアリスを見た。I saw Alice in Wonderland, Disney movie.
To read in the book, to listen with ears and to look in the eyes, which one does human believe deepest.
I would believe looking what most deeply.
さらに、同じ見るでも、映画で見せられるのと、現在の現実として見るのと、区別できるのだろうか。In addition, can be distinguished shown in the film and seen as current realities.
Alice said to dream character” Because this is my dream so you and this world aught disappears when I awake from my dream" .
言われた人物は、本当は違うのになあという表情を浮かべて、微笑んでいる。Dream character is smiling with a look as “ It is not true but I can not tell her”.
言葉の心の働きである自分にとって、言葉で作る世界こそ本当の世界で、目や耳や鼻から入ってくる刺激による興奮こそ、夢つまり虚無なのだ。For myself, workings of mind of words, the world making with words is real world, and excitement raised by stimulations
coming from eyes, ears and nose are dream that is nothingness.

t.    何かを自分のものにする方法。How to own something.
Here is a sheet of paper.
What should I do to own this paper.
この紙に気がつかない、気がついても関心がない人には、この紙を自分のものにしたいという気持ちが起こらない。For people do not notice this paper or notice but have no concern,  there is no aspiration to own this paper.
For such people, it's nothingness Instead of paper.
See, touch, sniff, lick the paper.
Seems to become my own just moments but quickly leaving away.
Get back to nothingness.
What should I do to own this paper longer if possible forever.
Clench, put into pocket, hide where no one knows, but still feel uneasy, cut small and swallow.
紙が大きすぎて隠したり飲み込めない場合もある。There is a case that it’s too big to hide or swallow.
今は使わないが、将来のために取っておきたいと思う場合もある。There is a case that
do not use now but want to keep for the future.
自分の名前を書いたり、塀で囲ったり、金庫に入れたりする。Write name, surround by walls, put in the safe.
However, because paper is a paper, so after using they become unnecessary.
興味が消えてしまうこともある。There is a case that concern
自分が死ねばすべては虚無に戻ってしまう。If myself dies all get back to nothingness.
美術館に寄贈して、後世の人に託すこともできる。Can present to a
museum, and entrust to future generations.
If can not do so, there is a case to burn out.
自分のものにするというのが、いつのまにか他人を排除する、独占するという意味になってしまう。The meaning of to own changes to
eliminate others and to monopolize.
しかし結局、物は変化する。But eventually, things are changing.
This body and sensitive and emotional mind changes.
物を自分の一部にしたと思っても、体や感覚の心や感情の心の興奮を自分だと思っても、そんな偽の自分は変化してしまう。If think that something belong to myself, believe excitement of sensitive and emotional mind are myself, but such a fake myself will change.
偽の自分が、偽の物を、自分のものにしようとしても、空振りになる。Fake myself tries to make fake things
my own but it will swing out.
Will be wandering in nothingness.本物の物と本物の自分を見つけて、本物の自分が、本物の物を自分のものにしようとすればいい。The answer is to find authentic myself and real things, and then authentic myself tries real thing to own.
結論を言えば、本物の自分は言葉の心の働きで、本物の物は言葉だ。紙を言葉にして、言葉の心の働きである自分に、記憶すればいいのだ。To say conclusion,
authentic myself is workings of mind of words, and real things are words. So the answer is converted things into words and myself, workings of mind of words, remembers the words.

3)        世界を作るための香り。Fragrance to create world.

a.    自分が生まれる前も世界はあって、死んだ後も世界は続くのか。Was there world before myself was born. Will world continue after myself dies?
The world have arisen in each mind, one by one and separated.
体が死んで、自分が消えたら、この世界も消える。Body dies and turns myself off, this world will disappear.
World of others is in others mind.
これまでに自分が発信した言葉だけが言葉のDNAの海の一部になって、無数の世界に、時空を越えて、木霊のように響き続ける。Only words ever submitted by myself become part of sea of verbal DNA, and keep sounding like echo beyond time and space between countless worlds.

b.    自分はモグラだ。Myself is a mole.モグラ一頭に一つずつ地下道がある。モグラにとって地中に掘ったトンネルが世界だ。土は虚無だ。Each mole has each underground tunnel. For mole, tunnel dug underground is his world. Mud is nothingness.

c.    一般相対性原理では、質量も速度も同じ原理で説明できる。In general relativity principle, speed and mass can be described by same principle.
Mass means hard to move.
物ほど、もっと早く動かすためには、より大きな力が必要になる。The faster the thing moves, the bigger the power to move.
Power is critical.結果、速度にも限界がある。As a result, speed is critical, too.
最も軽く動かし易い光子の速度、つまり光速がこの世の最高速度となる。The speed of
photon the lightest and the easiest to move, in other words speed of light is the fastest in world.

d.    物理学では、「動いている物体がある」と当前のように言う。In physics, say "There is a moving object"  as if no questions are.
観察者が居ようが居まいが関係なく、物自体が運動しているということだ。Even though observer is or not, things itself exists and moves.
However, if I think " For myself what is it “, the object of thinking is “how does it concern myself”.
What is myself as viewpoint.
It is workings of mind of words in each brain.
視点は一つどころか、無数にある。Perspectives are numerous rather than one.
Science is nothing more than one perspective of myriad, easy to share and easy to make systems.

e.    その人がどういう状態にある時、自分は、その人が居ると思うのだろう。What is the state of people, when I think the people exists?
To be reflected in sensitive mind?
Can look, listen, and touch?
幼児の頃は、母親の存在はそういうものだった。Being an infant, mother was as such.
Everything for sensitive mind is such a makeshift thing.
感情の心に映り,喜怒哀楽や損得勘定の対象になるということか。To be
reflected in emotional mind and becomes subject of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasant or balance the profits and losses?
その人が、死んだり、遠くへ行って疎遠になると、感情の心に映るその人の存在も消えていく。The person died or
went distant place and become estranged, the existence of the person fade.
感情の心にとって、すべては、そんなその場限りのものなのだ。Everything for emotional mind is such a makeshift thing.
言葉にして、言葉の心に記すことは、その人を記憶の過去や願望の未来に永遠に生かすことだ。To convert the person into words, and write to mind of words, is to be alive the person in past of memories and future of aspirations forever.
きっと言葉にすることが、愛する誰かを自分の中にずっと生かしておくための最良の方法なのだろう。Maybe to convert beloved someone into words is the happiest way to be alive someone forever.
Anyway, to be or not to be of the person depends on the observer's heart.
現実に居ると思われる人も、実際は網膜の上の光の点だったり、神経の興奮だったりする。People seem to actually live in fact might spot of light on the retina, or even a nervous excitement.
つまり現在の現実だって感覚や感情の心に映った情報にすぎないのだ。Even current realities are nothing more than information reflected in the sensitive and emotional mind.ヒトは、
Person is such information like a nervous excitement, sometimes words of memory and aspiration arise in the observer’s mind.
It's who also signals, something like fragrance drifts in nothingness.
What does "Some people die” mean for myself?
Will go away from sensitive mind.
感情の心は幼児のように、嘆くことになる。Emotional mind will lament as infant.
After a while some excitement will become cool.
Parents who lost their child continue to lament all of their lives.
Who had converted the person into words and written them in the mind, even can not meet or the person‘s body died, do not think the person is lost or vanished.
In the world of mind of words, as usual, can talk about each other's memories and aspirations, and can meet and verify the presence not changeable when it was alive.
出来ないのは、現在の現実を共有することだけだ。What can not do is only to share current realities.
本当の自分は言葉の心の働きなので、言葉になった死者は、自分が居る限り、一緒に居続けるのだ。Real myself is workings of mind of words so the dead had converted into words
keeps clinging together as long as myself is.

4)        記憶の過去を作るための香り。Fragrance to create past of memories.

a.    亡き父の顔を思い浮かべようとする。Try to visualize the face of deceased father.
Smiling face floats but does not move.
仏壇の見慣れた写真の笑顔が浮かんでいるのであって、往時に対話した時の笑顔ではないことに気がつく。Noticed that
smiling face I floated is of familiar picture at altar, and is not smiling face when we conversed bygone days.
視覚で得た情報は記憶出来ない。Information gotten by sense of eyesight can't remember.
視覚ではなく写真が言葉のように記憶されているのだ。Not sensations but picture was remembered like words.
Try to remember voice.
remember words but can't remember voice.
手をつないだことは思い出せるが手の感触は思い出せない。Can remember to hold hands but can't remember the hand feel.
においも同じだ。It's the same about smell.
Senses are stored somewhere in brain but can't remember intentionally.
Encounter similar sensation, revive memories "This is the same sensation of that time".
The way of being memorized is different between words and sensations.
似た匂いに出会うと、当時の記憶が一気によみがえる。Encounter similar fragrance, memories of that time revives at once.

b.    言葉の力が未発達だった幼い頃のことは、霧の向こうのようで、ほとんど思い出せない。Can't remember at an early age, as through the fog, when mind of words was undeveloped.
A representation of oblivion.
have thought it means that once memorized but time gone too much, so antiquated and disappeared. But I don’t think so now.
始めから、言葉にできなくて記憶できなかったのだ。From beginning, could not convert into words so can not memory.
めからできなかったのだ。That is ad-hoc heat haze, so memories was not born from the beginning.
Sensations and emotions arose and lost intact as bubble.
Even if remembered somewhere in the brain, can't remember consciously.
When stimulated by similar sensations and emotions someday, revives forcibly.
Sensitive and emotional mind can not ruminate sensations and emotions like cow ruminate grass.
感覚や感情の心には、何かのために苦痛や苦悩を我慢して、努力しようとする働きはない。Sensitive and emotional mind do not work to try best for something with standing pain or anguish.
To do so shall switch from sensitive and emotional mind to mind of words.

c.    感覚や感情の心は、感じるが、記憶はできない。Sensitive and emotional mind can feel but can't remember.
思い出せない。Can't remember intentionally.
しかし、後日、同じような感覚や感情の刺激を受けると、否応なしに思い出してしまう。But at a later date when receive similar stimulation of sensations and emotions, willy-nilly recalled the feelings.
言葉は随意に思い出せるが、感覚や感情の心の興奮は不随意なのだ。We c
an recall words voluntarily but excitement of sensitive and emotional mind is involuntary.

d.    家族の役割は、互いに記憶しあうことだ。和辻哲郎。Role of the family is to remember each other. Tetsuro watsuji.
夫婦は互いのノートだ。Couple is a notebook for each other.
互いの一生を言葉にして、記録して、永遠に記憶しあうのだ。Make each other's life into words and notes and remember forever.

e.    さっき別れたばかりの顔でも、顔付きは思い浮かべられない。Even parted just before, can not imagine features.
しかし、十年経っても、会えば、別れた時の顔を思い出せる。Meet after ten year, can recall features when parted.
It's a way to memory by sensitive and emotional mind.

f.    思い出は言葉で作られる。Memories are made in words.
Memories are in the mind of the words.
Spring is made in words.
Spring is in minds of  words.
春だ秋だと言っても、感覚の心にとっては、暑くも寒くもない空気を感じたり、葉っぱの色が映るだけだ。People say  it’s
spring also say it’s fall, but sensitive mind feels the air neither hot nor cold and reflects color of leaves only.
It just feels good.
Appear ad-hoc and disappear.感覚の心は、動物のように、今、この時だけを生きている。Sensitive mind is living only at this time like animals.
言葉の心が秋とは違う春という言葉を生み出し、春という言葉が春独特の喜びの感情を生み出し、春独特の喜びの感情が言葉の心に働いて、春独特の生きようとする言葉つまり目的や目標を作らせる。Mind of words makes word" Spring" different from fall term, and word "Spring" produces distinctive joyful emotion of spring, and distinctive joyful emotion of spring makes mind of words to live that is purpose or goal.
If wish, even current realities are summer or winter, can reproduce the spring of memories or spring of aspirations.

g.    百人一首を整理しながら考えた。While arranging the Hyakunin Isshu, one waka, ancient short poetry, by one hundred of authors, I thought.
If Waka of surviving author mixes into these, I wondered again, should I divide Waka of deceased author and living author.
そんなことは必要ないと気がついた。I noticed such discrimination was unnecessary.
和歌は言葉で、言葉は情報だから、発信者の生死は関係ないのだ。Waka is words, and words are information, so there is no relation between author’s life and death.
What is true character of human.
ヒトを体つまり感覚や感情の心だと考えると、生きているのか死んでいるのか、実在したのか虚像なのか、職業や性別や年齢で分類つまり差別をしたくなる。If think human is
body or sensitive and emotional mind, want to classify or discriminate by alive or dead, actual or virtual, occupation, gender and age.
True character of author made Waka is neither body nor sensitive and emotional mind, but mind of words.
When people call themselves "myself, such themselves are mind of words instead of sensitive and emotional mind.
言葉の心の働きである本当の自分にとっては、体の個性や生死は無関係なのだ。For real myself, workings of mind of words, individuality or life and death are irrelevant.
誰のものでもない言葉のDNA の海の一滴なのだ。Is 1 drop of sea of verbal DNA belongs no one.

5)        願望の未来を作るための香。生きようとする力を得るための香り。Fragrance to create future of aspirations. Fragrance to get power to live.

a.    真実とは何かを考えた。Thought what truth is.
Thought it is purposes to live.
だから、目標は、命の一つずつ、一人ひとり別々に生じると考えた。So, thought purposes are raised in each lives, in every person, every creature, one by one.
The truth for me is not the truth for everyone.
If staying in sensitive and emotional mind, easily influenced by stimulations from outside, and truth in other words purpose will change case by case.
If set purposes to physical places or things, but the places or things exist here and there, or do not exist anywhere, or existed soon but moved or erased.
空の星や太陽に目標を設定しても、季節によって変わったり、届かなかったりする。If set the purpose on
sun or stars in the sky, but it changes depending on the season, or can not reach.
上下左右に目標を設定しても、自身が乗っている地球そのものが自転や公転をしていて、目標となる上下左右も一緒に自転や公転をしている。If set the purpose on
high and low or right and left, the earth itself where the purpose is, is headed on rotation and revolution, so high and low or right and left as the purpose are also headed on rotation and revolution together.
目標を外に求めても、自分が死んで消えてしまうと思うと、目標が生きている間だけの方便のように思えてしまう。Seek purpose in outside, and think about death and disappearance, the purpose seems to be only a temporary expedient while being alive.

b.    サルから猿人への進化では、サルの小さい脳のまま二足歩行が始まり、手が自由になって、手を用いていることが刺激になって脳が大きく発達したという説が有力だそうだ。About evolution from monkey to ape man, the most powerful theory is that. Bipedal starts leaving little brain of monkey, and hands become free. Freely using the hand stimulates brain and brain develops large.
進化が、DNAが偶然に変異して生じたのではなく、個体の願望が変異して生じたことを意味している。This means that the evolution is arisen by mutations in individual aspirations instead of mutating of DNA by chance.
つまり一人ひとりの願望がDNAの変異を生み出しているという意味になる。In other words, aspirations of each person arises mutation of DNA.
この体は偶然と環境の選別による頼りない産物でなく、個々の個体の生きようとする意志、願望が作り出しているという意味になる。This means that this body is born by intensions and aspirations of an individual to live, instead of
unreliable product made by accident or selection by the environment.
願望を蓄積し、子や孫に伝え、子や孫の遺伝子に影響を及ぼし、生殖細胞に反映されて、次世代に受け継がれていくもの。The thing that accumulate aspirations, bequeath aspirations, affect the genes of children and grandchildren, reflected in the germ cells, and will be passed down to future generations,
The essence of a living thing is information not cell.

c.    芥川龍之介の遺言。Wills by Ryunosuke Akutagawa.
" Never forget that life is battle. To death.もしこの人生の戦いに破れし時には汝らの父の如く自殺せよ。If torn by fighting of life, suicide like your father.
However avoid to influence the misery to others, not like your father does.
So do not depend on your talent. Aim to make your talent stronger.

d.    今日、車で街を走っている間、FENを聞いていた。Today, while running the city by car, had heard the FEN.
16時から17時まで「これがアメリカ流のクリスマス」という番組だった。From 16 to 17 o’clock program was“This is an American Christmas”
.疲れを知らない子供のように、息もつかせぬ「美味しいクリスマスメユーの洪水」。As the children doesn't know what tired, breathless delicious Christmas’s menu flood".
懐かしいクリスマスソングやデッケンズ、ルーシーショーのクリスマスの場面、スーパーマンなどの話の途中で、アナウンサーのsuicide という言葉が飛び込んできた。
Flew in the word “suicide” from announcer, halfway through the story about nostalgic Christmas song, the story by Dickens, Christmas scenes of Lucy-show, Super man.
「命より大切な悩みなど無い」と続いた。no problem bigger than our lives’ followed.
reminds me of that data that the number of suicides increase in Christmas time in U.S.A.
Impressed that put such words in such TV program.
Christmas candle lights up the bright mood or the dark mood.

e.    用事を終え、岩本町に向かうべく、用賀駅に行った。Finish errands, head to Iwamoto-Cho, went to Yoga station.
改札で駅員が、市ヶ尾駅で15:31に人身事故があり、上り下りとも不通ですと言った。Station staff at the gate said that injury happened at 15:31 in Ichigao station, so trains for both up and down are cut off.
15分ほど待つうちに、運転が再開し、来た電車に乗る。Resume of wait 15 minutes or so, take the train came.
車内放送が、この事故の報告とお詫びに併せて、今、都営新宿線が15:28、別の人身事故の為、上下線とも不通だと告げた。Announcements told in conjunction with the report of this incident and apology, because of another injury, Toei Shinjuku line of 15:28, line for both up and down were cut off.
Cruel matters are cut in advance in newspapers and TV.
usually live in the cosy world by shutting eyes or closing ears to unpleasant matters.
Every day various people, in the various situations has died.
The realities which I don’t want to see or don’t want to know, showed justifiably and unavoidably.
Invisible world , not only preposterous things like ghosts, but also the world we can not see or don't want to see like these.
At this time beyond the curtain of this world opened for a moment.

f.    細胞には、自身を自動的に消去するアポトーシスという働きが備わっている。Cells have working of apoptosis to clear itself automatically.
It's for old, damaged, or mutated cells will not adversely affect the whole of body.
It's a gimmick to make body live.
Apoptosis independent death of cell is different from suicide the death ordered by mind.
細胞は体に奉仕する存在で、体には自殺、自己破壊という働きは備わっていない。Cells exist to serve body, and body does not have working to commit suicide and self-destruction.
安楽や癒しを得るために死を求めるのは、感覚や感情の心の働きだ。To wish for death for getting comfort and healing is workings of sensitive and emotional mind.
To wish for healing instead of salvation means that, mind of words is defeated by sensitive and emotional mind, in other words animal mind.
Why at times or society hard to live, suicide is few, and at times or society easy to live suicide increase.
癒しや安楽を手軽に享受することに慣れた風潮の中で、癒しや安楽を簡単に得る方法として自殺が増えるのだろう。In the trend used to enjoy the comfort and healing easily, suicide may increases as way for getting comfort and well-being easily.
自殺の原因は外にあるのでなく、心の中、例えば癒しや安楽を求める感覚や感情の心の優勢、苦難に耐えて願望の未来に挑む言葉の心の劣勢などだ。Cause of
suicide is not outside but inside of mind for example superiority of sensitive and emotional mind seeking healing comfort, or inferiority of mind of words challenges to future of aspirations endure hardship.
自殺は言葉の心の未熟によって引き起こされるのだから、自殺を思いとどまり、生きようとする勇気を奮い起こすためには、言葉の心を訓練することが有効だ。Because suicide is caused by immature mind of words. So to stop suicide and to muster up the courage to live, training of the mind of words is effective.
It is a purpose of Kou-Sin-Mon.

g.    ヒトには、言葉の心が在って、その未熟な思考が自殺の引き金を引いてしまう。Human has mind of words, and it’s immature working triggers suicide.言葉の心は、体を生かすために、体から生じている信号体だ。Mind of words is signals to make body live arising from body.
親が子供に、便利のための刃物を与え、子供は手を切ってしまったと仮定する。Assuming that
parents give kids an cutlery for convenience, but child cuts his hand .
Problem is immaturity of skill.
Same can be said about mind of words.
Mind of words has the ability to overcome hardships of current realities and wish for future aspirations.
Mind of words is tool to open up the hardships of current reality.
But immature mind of words trying to escape from hardships in stead of challenge hardships, pulled by sensitive and emotional mind.

h.    言葉の心は、脳が進化して身につけた、体を生かそうとする働きだ。Mind of words is working of brain evolved to make body alive.
言葉の心は、何でも言葉にできる。Mind of  words can convert anything into words.
言葉にすると、願望の未来つまり目標になる。Converted words became future of aspirations in other words purpose.
言葉の心は、いつも未来にいて、現在の現実の苦痛や苦悩に出会うと、それらを乗り越えさせるために、願望の未来を実現しようとする。Mind of words is always in future, and when meet pain or suffering of current realities, mind of words tries to achieve future of aspirations to overcome them.
しかし感覚や感情の心にだまされて、現在の現実の中で、苦難や苦悩からの逃避、つまり癒しや安楽を得ようとして、自殺をしようとしてしまう。But mind of words is deceived by sensitive and emotional mind, and try to escape from anguish and hardship, and to get healing and comfort in current realities, then try to commit suicide.
自殺は言葉の心の未熟さが病因だ。Immaturity of mind of words is etiology of suicide.
言葉の心の訓練で治せるのだ。 It can get rid of with mind of words.

i.    感覚の心の世界の入り口は、目、耳、鼻、口、皮膚で、現在の現実を映し出している。The entrances of sensitive mind are eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin and reflect the current realities.
Myself is workings of mind of words and not in current realities.
記憶の過去や願望の未来を言葉で作ってそこに居る。Creating memories of past and future of aspirations in words and stay there.

j.    物や体が現在の現実を支配している。Things and bodies dominate current realities.
But governing current realities will disappear in one generation.
言葉の心は、現在の現実では非力だが、記憶の過去や願望の未来を生み出している。Mind of words
is powerless in current realities, but has spawned past of memories and future of aspirations.
言葉の心は、現在の現実を乗り越えようとしている。Mind of words
is trying to overcome current realities.
言葉の心は、体の世代を越えることもできる。Mind of words
can cross the body generation.

k.    香りは、感覚や感情の心の興奮を鎮め、結果、言葉の心が働き易くし、生きようとする力が働き易くする。Fragrance calms excitement of sensitive and emotional mind, as a result, make mind of words work easily, and make power to live work easily.
香りは、生きようとする力、つまり言葉、つまり願望の未来を湧き易くする。Fragrance makes power to live that is words that is future of aspirations spring easily.

l.    TVで、「夜と霧」の作者、ピーター・フランクルの話をしていた。TV , had the story of Peter Frankl, author of "night and fog".
Auschwitz, what does support him to survive instead of suicide.
言葉の心の働きである本当の自分が居るのは、言葉で作る願望の未来の中だということに気付く。Notice that real mysef, workings of mind of words, lives in future of aspirations.
Ask purpose that is salvation in the future of aspirations instead of healings in current realities, like fake myself caught by sensitive and emotional mind and lost in current realities asks.
つまり、与えられた現在の現実しか見えない感覚や感情の心に盲従するのでなく、願望の未来を生み出す言葉の心に導かれなさいということだ。In other words, instead of following blindly to sensitive and emotional mind that can feel only current realities which are given, but be guided by mind of words creates future of aspirations.
現在の現実に生きさせられるのでなく、願望の未来に生きなさいということだ。Live in future of aspirations, instead of being lived in current realities.
この先の人生がどうなってしまうのかを漠然と心配するのは、現在の現実から逃れられない感覚や感情の心の働きだ。To worry about
life in only a vague idea about future is workings of sensitive and emotional mind that can not escape from current realities.
漠然とした期待や不安や恐れに揺れるだけだ。Is shaken by a vague expectation, anxiety, and fear.
湧いては消える泡だ。It's foam that springs are disappears.
To think about what my future asks to me is workings of mind of words.
この先の人生は、自分で、言葉で作らねば見えないものだ。The life in the future can not be seen without making by myself with words.
Making the future in words is a source of power to live.
Force to live life in the future is welling up from the words like purposes and target.
Force to live life in the future is generated with making words, but is not on the extension of the sensitive and emotional mind.
病んだり老いたり、苦境に陥ったりした時にも励ましたり救ってくれるのは、感覚や感情の心の癒しではなく、言葉の心が生み出す言葉,つまり救いだ。What cheers up and raises up from aging, disease and falling into the predicament is not healings of sensitive and emotional mind, but the words in other words salvation which mind of words bears.
感覚や感情の心は、現実の苦痛や苦悩を反映する。Sensitive and emotional mind
reflects the pain and suffering of current realities
And soon tries to escape.
現在の現実という枠組みから逃れられない。But cannot escapes from the frame of current realities.
香りのように、自分から出た言葉が、地上の現在の現実から、空中の未来に、ふわふわと浮かび上がるのだ。Words from myself, like fragrance from fragrant wood, from current realities on the ground to future in the air, and have fluffy nice drifting.
現在の現実が求めるものでなく、願望の未来が求めるものを求めなさいという意味だ。This means that instead of the things which current realities want, but asks the things that future of aspirations wants.

m.    感覚や感情の心と言葉の心の戦い。Battle between sensitive and emotional mind, and mind of words.
Future is in mind of words.
Past is in mind of the words, too.
父母兄弟も、懐かしい人々も、言葉の心の中に居る。Parents and old people stay in mind of words, too.言葉の春と感覚の春。Word of spring and sensation of spring.
Real spring is born in mind of words.
No real spring is in sensitive mind.
Kou-Shin-Mon is gate to the true spring.

n.    言葉の心の生きようとする力を鍛えよう。Train force to live of mind of words.
There are two kinds of forces to live.
感覚や感情の心に備わった、生きている力と、言葉の心の働きである自分が生み出す、生きようとする力だ。The force to be alive that sensitive and emotional mind inherent, and the force to intend to live, arisen by myself, workings of mind of words.
Train myself, workings of mind of words, and make words, and convey the force to live to children and grandchildren.

o.    言葉を貯え、自分を強くしよう。Store words and make myself stronger.
生きようとする力を強くしよう。Make force to live strongly.

p.    癒しではなく救いを求めている、生きているのではなく生きようとしている、そんな自分に気がつこう。Notice myself, seeks salvation instead of healing, tries to live instead of being alive,

q.    現在の現実を言葉にすると、自分や世界や時間が生まれる。Convert current realities into words, myself, world and time are born.
願望の未来が生まれるFuture of aspirations is born.願望は目的を作る。Aspirations make purposes.
目的を現在の現実に重ねると、目標が見える。Draw purpose on current realities, target can be seen.
目標が未来となり、未来の引力が、生きようとする力を生じる。Target becomes future and raises force to live.

B    体の宿命から自分を救うための香り。Fragrance for saving myself from fate of body.
世界や時間を豊かにして、生老病死の宿命から救われるための香り。Fragrance to save myself from fate of life, making myself, world and time rich.

1)          また日曜日が来た。Came again on Sunday.
I think 1 week is too short.
Not be like this when I was young.
歳をとって、時が足早に過ぎていくのが寒々しいAge, time runs at a brisk pace very desolate.
Life expectancy is a whisper of mind of words that can not live only a limited time.
Life expectancy begins from the day determined that I must die someday.
時間を言葉で刻み始めた時から余命は始まるのだ。Life expectancy begins with ticking in time by words.
When think “now I live in life expectancy," awake from the dream of eternal.
Want to live carefully every moment as soon as possible.
余命を意識した日から、本当の、生きる時間が始まる。From the day being conscious of life expectancy, real time of life starts.
Life expectancy is a whisper of mind of words, eternity is a whisper of sensitive and emotional mind.

2)          生きている限り年金が続く。Pension continues as long as we live.
少しでも長生きして得をしたい気になる。Want to live as long as possible to
get profit.
得をするというのは、願望の未来を達成するための手段だ。To get profit is means to achieve future of aspirations.
目的ではない。It is not purpose.得をし続けるために生き続けるというのは、目的地を求めず、水を求めて砂漠をさまようようなものだ。To continue to live for continuing to get profit is same as walking around desert to seek water instead of a destination.

3)          体を車、自分を運転手に喩える。Likens body to car and myself to driver.
Driver becomes difficult to drive but he can not get off while any gasoline is left.
感覚や感情の心つまり偽の自分と、車つまり体は一体なので降りることは考えられない。It is
inconceivable to get off body for fake myself, because sensitive and emotional mind that means fake myself and car that means body are united.
現代は、衣食住が豊かだ。Today's rich food, clothing and shelter.
Also, life-prolonging treatment developed.
感覚や感情の心に流されるままに生き続けることが出来る。Being drifted by sensitive and emotional mind, can stay alive.
Body life beyond the life of mind.
Heart changes, and person is not same as person was.
Changed is sensations and emotions.
老いとともに、言葉の心は、新しい記憶を作れなくなったり、古い記憶を思い出しにくくなる。Along with aging, mind of words can not store new memories, and becomes harder to recall old memories.
the words once born never change forever.
When food, clothing and shelter are poor, demand of sensitive and emotional mind is so hard to achieve that mind of words grows up, and made own death easy to accept, with converting into words.

4)          吾以天地為棺槨、日月為連璧、星辰為珠宝、万物為齎送。吾葬具豈不備邪。私の墓はこの天地だ。My grave is this heaven and Earth.
私の墓石は太陽と月と星だ。My grave headstone is Sun and Moon and Stars.
Everything watches over us.これで十分だ。This is enough.
荘子 雑編 列御寇編 第三十二。
Chuang-Tzu miscellaneous chapter列御寇編Chapter 32.

5)          命や自分について考えると果てしない密林に迷い込んだ感じになる。When think about life and myself, it makes me feel wandering into unending jungle.
一個一個の遺伝子、その鎖であるDNA、その個別包装である細胞、細胞の共同体である器官、器官の共同体である体、体の代弁者である感覚や感情の心、感覚や感情の心の御者である言葉の心、それらのどれもが、命であり、自分であるような気がする。Individual genes, strand of genes means DNA, DNA individually packed means cell, community of cells means organ, community of organs means body, voice of body means sensitive and emotional mind, a cabman of sensitive and emotional mind means mind of words, all of them seem like life and myself.
そうなると、果てしない迷路に入った気持ちになる。Then, feel like
entering into unending maze.
どの立場から自分を眺めるかが、出口への道だ。From which
position look at myself is the pass to goal.
一般論として命や自分について考えるのは科学に任せよう。I'll leave thinking about life and myself as a general rule to science.
そちらは、枝ばかりで花の無い迷路だ。In that direction t
here is the labyrinth in all branches without flowers.
Life and myself are a subjective psychological phenomenon of the person who thinks.
考えている本人は言葉の心の働きだ。The person who thinks is workings of mind of words.
So all questions must be originated from myself, workings of mind of words.
So all answers must be given to myself, workings of mind of words, too.

6)          今、自分は生まれたとか、今、自分は生きているとか、今、自分は死んだというのは自覚できない。Can not become conscious of to be born now or to live now or to die now about myself.
自分の生死は自分とは異次元で生じる現象だ。So life and death of myself
are a phenomenon raised in different dimensions from myself.
It's a phenomenon reflected in the eyes of others.
Mistake it my own eyes and end up fantasies of my own death.
Death phenomenon doesn't happen to own, but the phenomenon which happens to other people.刻一刻と、体の中で、細胞が生まれたり壊れたりしている。Every moment cells are born and broken in body.自分にはそれがわからない。Myself can not feel it.
At the moment that advantage mind of sensitive and emotional mind, myself, workings of mind of words, doesn't exist.
体が死んで、自分が消滅しても、発信していた言葉が誰かの中でよみがえれば、そのたびに自分もよみがえる。Even if my body dies, and myself vanishes, the words have been sent before revives in someone’s mind, each time, myself revives, too.
Myself is information, so there are no life and death in myself not like body.

7)        日が傾くにつれ、影は体を超えて、大きく濃くなっていく。As sun goes down, shadow becomes big and greener, beyond body.
Silhouette at sunset.
Sunset shows the different scene from day time.
Long ago, at twilight time, people dinner shopping and salaried traced on the home, and children, came and went.
Few street lights, so everyone has no face.
The person goes before seems to be like deceased father, just chase to disappear in the corner.
Also sometimes I thought dog or cat across smiling to me like an  apparition.
Called the time to encounter demon, like Tengu and kidnapper.
Moon raised, body and shadows became one.

8)        目に見えるこの国を捨てて、言葉の国を作ろう。Leave this visible country, make the country of word.
子作り、子育ての喜びはもう無く、労働の喜びも無い。There are no
joy to have a baby, joy of parenting, joy to work also.
People loved me decreased.
Gets around to lonely as bath water cools.
愛されて生まれたのに、と思うこともある。Sometimes I thought I was
born to be loved.
KAGUYA Hime is a tale of ordinary old woman, who is at old age and should leave the ground, and should be separated from family soon.

9)        還暦は、来し方を見返る人生の峠だ。60th birthday is a mountain pass of life to look back past.
峠越え、香りばかりを、道連れに。" Going over mountain pass, only scent is a companion".
60th birthday is the start of the season that past of memories and future of aspirations scent.

10)ひとりで、部屋を暗くして、深夜放送を見ている。Darken room, watching late-night broadcast.
昔のドラマの再放送だ。It's old drama reruns.
この俳優は死んだ、この俳優も死んだ、この俳優はどうだったか、などと思いながら、見ている。Watching as thinking this actor died, this actor died, too,.how is this actor.
Going into the story, became do not worry about such a thing.
物語の登場人物と、俳優であるその人とは、異次元の存在なのだ。The person who is an actor and character in the story exist in different dimensions.
俳優であるその人には生死があるが、物語の登場人物には生死は無い。There are life and death for the person who is an actor but not for character in the story.
Is the actor in the drama alive and the actors are alive even now, for humans who are watching.
彼らは、体の生死とは別に、生き生きと生きているのだ。They're alive and live separately from the life and death of their body.

11)蒲焼が好物だった。Favorite dish was grilled eel.
Ate for the first time was when I was about 7 years old.
休日に新宿へ行って、登亭という店に入った時だ。On holiday,
went to Shinjuku and entered the restaurant called Nobori-Tei.
見た目が悪く嫌がっていた私に、美味しいから食べてごらんと父が勧めた。Its appearance was worse, so was loath to eat, but father counseled “ It is delicious so try”.
見た目とは違い美味しかったが、小骨が気になった。Taste was good, different from looking, but worried about small bones
父が自分だけを連れ出してくれたことの方がうれしかった。Father took out only me, it made me happier than dish.
Through in front of eel restaurant and smell, but not interested in at all.
Around middle school, entered judo club, body began to grow rapidly, everything to eat is  delicious, and ate 3 bowls of rice in one time.
Mother bought a Kabayaki delicatessen of neighborhood, put the rice in bowl, gave the sauce.
The first bowl,  removed Kabayaki and ate the sauce taste alone.
次も別の新しいたれをかけて食べた。Next bowl,
ate another new sauce taste alone, too.
Then as biting off kabayaki little by little, ate 3 bowls of rice.
就職して、外食も増え、うなぎ屋を見つけてののれんをくぐったりした。Found work, chances
dining out increased, found eel restaurant and entered.
今は、健康診断で成人病予備軍と知らされ、食べることは控えている。And now, 
restrain eating, because medical checkup informed me that I was lifestyle diseases.
Now enjoying eel converted into words, writing such sentences.
Eel story took longer, but the story I want to say really is, same things can be said about everything in life.
While body wants, be prompted the tangible pleasures.
体が衰えるにつれて、抽象的な言葉で楽しむようになるということだ。Wants of
body fades will become to enjoy in abstract words.

12)感覚や感情の心が囚われている体の生老病死の輪廻から自由になり、言葉のDNAの海を自由に航海しよう。Trying to sail the seas of verbal DNA freely, to be free from the rotations from born to death where sensitive and emotional mind are caught.

C    競争、差別、所有、つまり偽の自分である感覚や感情の心が誘う情動から自分を救うための香り。Fragrance for saving myself from competition, discrimination, possession in other words feelings raised by sensitive and emotional mind that is fake myself.

1)  生かされているということ。We are kept alive.
Flower is a mean of tree for making species.
That is flower is kept alive by trees.
木はDNAを存続させるための手段だ。Tree is a mean for making DNA survive.
つまり木はDNAによって生かされている。That is tree is kept alive by DNA.
細胞は体を生かすための手段だ。Cell is a mean for making body alive.
That is cell is kept alive by body.
言葉の心の働きである自分は、体が存続するための手段だ。Myself, workings of mind of words, is a mean for making body survive.
つまり自分は体によって生かされている。That is myself is kept alive by body.
体はDNAが存続するための手段だ。Body is a mean for making DNA survive.
That is body is kept alive by DNA.
In opposite words, myself is like flower but not tree.
This body and myself are not leading actors but rather a supporting role for DNA.
何かによって、何かのための道具、手段として作られているということは、我々は目的ではないということだ。We are not the purpose, because we are made by someone else as a means or tools for something.
From such a point of view, sticking to myself had better become to undone.

2)  他者の死について考えるのと、自分の死について考えるのとは、まったく別次元のことだ。Thinking about the death of others and my own death are in just another dimensions.
More important is thinking about my own death.
考えている当事者は、体ではなく心、それも言葉の心の働きである自分だ。The person who is thinking about this is not body but mind, especially myself, workings of mind of words.
So, my own death is not about body but myself, workings of mind of words.
言葉の心の働きである自分は、言葉という情報だから、自分の死とは、言葉という情報の消滅のことだ。Myself, workings of mind of words,
is information like words. So my own death means extinction of information like words.
体の消滅のことではない。It is not extinction of the body.
It is not extinction of equipments to receive and send information between outside world like sensitive and emotional mind.
言葉の心の働きである自分の消滅のことだ。It is extinction of myself, workings of mind of words.
自分が消滅するとはどういうことなのだろう。What does
extinction of myself mean?
体の来し方と行く末、言葉の心の働きである自分の来し方と行く末、自分が発信した言葉の来し方と行く末について考えた。Thought about the direction that body came and gone, myself, workings of mind of words, came and gone, and words, myself sent, came and gone.
Information does not die.
This is the answer.電球がある。There is a light bulb.
Two kinds of electric current flowing from two kinds of power sources.一つの電源からは体のDNAが流れ込み、電球を生み出し、熱を発している。Bodily DNA flows from one power source and produce bulbs, and radiate heat.
Verbal DNA flows from another power source, and convert heat into light, stored light, transmit light each other.
Life of bulb exhausted someday, and stop emitting  heat and light.
電球を交換するように、体は細胞を交換している。Like changing bulb body changes cell.
Myself is not in sensitive and emotional mind.
My true roots are in another power supply, the ancestral sea of verbal DNA.
体に備わった言葉の心という器に、言葉のDNAの海から言葉が流れ込んで自分という小さな水溜りになる。Words flow into mind of words that is a cup set in body from the sea of verbal DNA, and become little puddle.
自分が発信した言葉は、自分という殻から脱皮して言葉のDNAに戻り、言葉のDNAの海に帰る。Words sent by myself shed from the shell of myself, return to sea of verbal DNA.
Verbal DNA that is in different dimension from bodily DNA, beyond time and space, flow through everybody’s mind of words, and keeps circulating.
体にも自分にも、個性というものは無い。There is no individuality about body and myself.
体も自分も、DNAの大海の一滴として循環するものだ。Body and myself are the thing which
circulates as a drop in sea of DNA.
体も自分も、毎年咲いては散ってを繰り返す、一本のサクラの木の無数の花の一輪だ。Body and myself is
one of numberless flowers of one Sakura tree, repeat blooming and scattering every year.
自分へのこだわりは、体が一世代を生きるための方便だ。Cling to myself is expedient to live during only one generation.
世代交代に臨んでは、覚めるべき夢なのだ。It’s a
dream to wake up overlooking change of generation.
自分の死について考えると、自分へのこだわりこそがすべての迷いの源だと気付かされる。When I
think about my own death, I notice that to cling to myself is the source of all delusion.

3)  感覚や感情の心でいる限り、快と不快、渇きと癒しを繰り返すだけだ。As being in sensitive and emotional mind, only repeat comfort and discomfort, or thirst and healing once again.
So, unless we are in sensitive and emotional mind, we will never have peace.
Peace is instead of healing in sensitive and emotional mind, salvation in mind of words.
Peace is given with word in mind of words instead of healing in sensitive and emotional mind.
Peace is not given with healing as ease or comfort but given with salvation as words.
平安を得るには、心の持ち方を感覚や感情の心から、言葉の心に切り替えなければならない。To get
peace, require to change state of mind from sensitive and emotional mind to mind of words.
しかし、ヒトの心の基本は、感覚や感情の心のような、動物の心だ。But  basic of human mind is animal mind like sensitive and emotional mind.
感覚や感情の心は、生まれながらに完成して備わっていて、日常の心を占領している。We were born with completed sensitive and emotional mind, and occupied mind of everyday.
言葉の心は意識した時だけ現れる心の働きだ。Mind of words is workings of mind that appears
only when we are conscious of it.
言葉の心は生まれた後に成長させる心の働きだ。Mind of words is workings of mind
that we should grow after we were born.
癒しは生まれつきの心で手に入る。We can
get healing into hands on an inborn mind
しかし救いは言葉の心で努力して育てるものだ。But salvation is what we should strive to grow in our mind of words.

4)  香りは、見えない、聞こえない世界に導いてくれる。Fragrance lead us to world unseen and unheard.
そこでは、感覚や感情の心は消える。In such a world sensitive and emotional mind vanish.
Unseen and unheard world is made with words.
言葉の心が働き始める。Mind of words begins to work.
香りを言葉にして見聞きする。Convert  fragrance into words and see and hear it.
Repeat training, can stay in mind of words more naturally and longer.
Of piling the words, myself, workings of mind of words, become stronger, and world made with words in other words past of memories and future of aspirations becomes deeper.
感覚や感情の心の癒しではなく、確かで持続する言葉の心の救いが得られる。Can get certain and lasting salvation in mind of words, instead of healing in sensitive and emotional mind.
香心門はこのような救いを目指す。Kou-Shin-Mon aims such salvation.

5)  得をするとは、何がどうなることだろう。What happens to someone when he gets something.
体が、自分や仲間が、DNAが、存続するために有利な物を得たり、状態になることだと仮定する。Assuming that, body, myself, my company, my DNA  gain beneficial things or states to survive.
Increased sense of crisis in life, the order of priority would be that, DNA, body, buddies, myself that is workings of mind of words, sensitive and emotional mind.
例えば、社会が豊かになると出生率が下がる、夫婦も豊かになると子供より自分が大切になる、などだ。Say, society becomes rich fertility rates fall down, and rich couples think more important myself than new child.
Affluence of life weakens sense of crisis in the life, and priority of mind goes toward healing of sensitive and emotional mind.
戦争や貧困の時期には、生命の危機感が高まり、DNAの生存の優先順位が上がり、結果、出生率が高まったり、自殺率が下がったりするのだろう。In times of poverty or war, a sense of crisis in life heightens, and priority of DNA‘s survival rises, results, birth rate would rise and suicide rate would decline.

D    偽の自分である感覚や感情の心が映し出す、現在の現実の苦痛や苦悩や興奮から、本当の自分を記憶の過去や願望の未来へ救い出すための香り。Fragrance for salvation of real myself from pain or suffering of current realities reflected by sensitive and emotional mind, to past of memories and future of aspirations.

D      愛する者の死による悲哀から救われる為の香り。Fragrance to be saved from sadness by loss of persons we love.
Exchange with sea of verbal DNA.

1)葬儀の為の香り。Fragrance for funerals.

2)供養の為の香り。Fragrance for a memorial service.

a.    お互いに会っていたのは言葉の心の働きあるお互いの自分であって、お互いの体ではない。Had seen each other was each myself, workings of mind of words, not each other's body.

E      香りを献じる。香席を楽しませる。Present fragrance. Entertain Kou-ceremony.

1)他人の世界との出会い。Encounter with world of others.

2)呼び寄せる。つなげる。自分の世界と他者の世界をつなげよう。Invite. Linking. Link world my own to others.

